The Direction

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However, the necessity nor always can be satisfied. It can be frustrated, or still, can be rewarded, that is, transferred to another object, person or situation. According to Bergamini (1997 pg.127). ' ' in terms psychological motivacionais, a reached objective is given credit that, that is, an accepted necessity, originates other objectives that, in turn, go to perpetuate the cycle motivacional.' ' In the case of frustration of the necessity, in the motivacional cycle, the tension provoked for the sprouting of the necessity finds a barrier or an obstacle for its release. Not finding exit normal, the tension dammed in the organism looks an indirect way of exit, for saw (aggressiveness, dissatisfaction, emotional tension, depression, auto-aggression psychological, etc), either for it saw physiological (nervous tension, sleeplessness, loss of the appetite, etc). Maslow presented a theory of the motivation, according to which the necessities human beings is organized and made use in levels, a hierarchy of importance and of they will influence. This hierarchy of necessities can be visualized as a pyramid. In the base of the pyramid they are the necessities most primitive (physiological necessities) and in the top, the necessities more refined (the auto-accomplishment necessities), each one of them with the following meanings. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Emmanuel Faber.

1. Physiological necessities: the necessities constitute the level lowest of all human beings, but of vital importance. In this level they are the physiological necessities of feeding are related with the survival of the individual and the preservation of the species. They are instinctive necessities, that already are born with the individual. They are the most pressing of all necessities human beings: when some of these necessities is not satisfied, it strong dominates the direction of the behavior. When all the necessities human beings are unsatisfied, the biggest motivation will be the satisfaction of the physiological necessities, and the behavior of the individual has the purpose to find alliviates of the pressure that these necessities produce on the organism.