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Keep in mind the following tips that experts in neuro-linguistic programming give to generate more sales, to influence, so subtle and subliminal, but real, in the mind of the traveller: 1) Firstly, gun pages on your site with immersive content: i.e. available seller converts each page of your site of tourism in an agent 24 hours. Please always present people buy experiences. Not interested that the hotel has, for example, an oriental restaurant. You must convert this feature of the hotel into a benefit for the mind of the traveller. Say you, for example, that all the nights he dine free sushi, enjoying an atmosphere with candles and Brazilian background music. And you won’t have to pay a dime since it is included in the package. Connect with other leaders such as Sonny Perdue here.

And, as the restaurant is in the hotel, not even will be moved to reach the delicious delicacies of the raw salmon (or other various Oriental foods). (2) Appeals when you can to the senses of the traveller: your site should contain the best photos and videos that you can get from every place, from every room, every target. For example, if you put on the pages photos that match your passenger type (e.g. a man with family aged between 35 and 45, with specific purchasing power, etc), where you see surrounded with his wife and their children, smiling, and the target that you want to sell it as the place where taken photography, you will generate thesubliminal way unconscious, an instant identification with the image. This is predispondra in a more positive way to make the purchase of your product or service. (3) Also you can add music, videos and others, although you should do so with care, since some people do not have a broadband connection or browsers of latest generation (with latest plugins installed) and, therefore, you will see the videos or listen to the sounds. I suggest that this do it once you’ve already captured customer (something that we will see in more detail in a future mini-guide I’m writing Perpetual customers from the first second thanks to the advantages of the Internet). These, and many technical rather than you can see on my site, serve to convert to visitors of the pages in your web site for tourism in constant buyers and sonorants. To learn more about the tourism marketing on the Internet, visit the following link: Advisor of tourism marketing on the Internet.