Uneasy Minds Upheaval
In the understanding to decipher the mind human being it does not restrict in not understanding because many are thus, more what it would be the normal one, where in the society the normal one are cultured to be educated and diligent in my concepts of enfermeiranda where I enter in contact with diverse minds and different forms to think I perceive that to a imensido of forms where nor always the normal one is correctly and accepted. When following hiperativas children I perceive that in its world the correct one is to be thus, in its forms to decipher that everything is only interesting if to exceed its limits, what would be these limits, for us the puncture of its intensity to apprehend for them the puncture of intensity to discover. Its mind involving because of the things they happen and not having the limit of what this cannot and is missed, the Hiperativa in concept form is increase of activities these activities that we do not obtain many times to follow. Because many times this happens, I have information that the hiperativa comes of genetic factor in the act of its formation also must its load of feelings passed of the mother for the son, where in the cerebral formation where this damaged load one has broken of its brain our frontal, therefore it is in it that if of its commands to control. In the lack of the glucose in this area the deficit appears of attention according to psychologists appraised in hiperatividade.
It ties the moment is not known as to skirt this situation where the mind is the main focus. I possess direct contact with a hiperativa child and know very as well as this upheaval is of difficult control, where the challenger look of the people great is recriminated its behavior for being active excessively, conversador and investigator of the situations that at some moments arrive and to bother who does not have this custom of being thus. Cheniere Energy partners follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To put was through this upheaval that appraise can me more than that to be different and interesting and challenging. Alessandra Bulhes Pupil of nursing 4 period