Email Advertising To The High-flying
Email marketing is a growth engine of the direct marketing industry. This indicates that Nuremberg, elevated rate of increase in promotional E-mail messages in the first once again by the direct marketing research GfK quarter 2007. The advertising medium could rise compared to the same period last year to 17 percent. Distribution by sector the following image appears: just under 10 percent of E-Mails accounted for trade and shipping trade with non-food (consumer goods, textiles, construction market ranges). In this industry, there were 7 percent more emails as a year ago. The publishers and media companies, which however only slightly increased 2 per cent were in second place with just under 6 percent market share.
Roughly 5 per cent market share accounted for typical Internet service provider, as well as food. In the latter area, especially the discount store with your newsletter stand out. As in the non-food segment, mail in the food sector registered a siebenprozentige increase over the first quarter of the previous year. The Internet service provider, however, reduced their activities by 22 percent. To worry about the high proportion of spam mails is basic: the GfK according to there more such unwanted messages as in the first quarter of last year almost 70 percent.
And how did it look like 2007 telemarketing and the mailings collected instruments in the first quarter with the others by the GfK Direktmarketingfoschung? The advertising calls the lottery and winning gaming industry has a counter-cyclical growth by 15 percent. Even 19 percent for the offer of telecommunications (about mobile contract, new tariffs, Internet connection) is reported. The market share of this industry is also 19 percent. In concrete terms this means: more than half of all outbound activities is the call center currently on just two industries. All others have reduced their telemarketing when compared to the first quarter of 2006 or only minimally increased. Despite Internet and telephone celebrates also the printed mailing further successes. The strongest industry observed by the GfK is the publishers and media including the big media mailers. Shows growth rates for years and could even in the first quarter of 2007 an increase of 5 percent scroll.