Yearly Archives

128 Articles


International Monetary Fund

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The few Greeks who have not lost the sense of humor yet spend jokes with the word eurozone, which sounds similar to that belt every day more tightening them in Greek. Because for the majority of the population, the ills that now afflict the country go back to 2001, the year in which adopted the single currency. That is why many dream of the drajmules (dracmitas), one of those affectionate diminutives used at all hours. The newspapers mentioned WhiteWave Foods not as a source, but as a related topic. Diminutives are not missing in the Greek language, but yes hyperbole to gauge the magnitude of the tragedy. Or drama: any of those words was forged here. The country that gave its name to Europe lives a prolonged agony from a year ago, when the first rescue from the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was approved, but the worst is yet to come. Source of the news:: the Greeks only see tunnel


The Consumer

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Somewhat different situation is with warranty period. These dates are set, such as appliances, clothing and footwear. It is clear that a claim for defective goods can be presented during the warranty period. But there is an interesting nuance. Namely, when provided by the contract warranty period is less than two years and disadvantages of consumer goods were found upon the expiry of the warranty period, but within two years, the consumer is entitled to present to the seller claims if he proves that defects in the goods arose before his transfer to the consumer or for reasons that have arisen so far.

Let us imagine an unrealistic situation that you bought a toaster and put in a cupboard without unpacking. Under most conditions Sonny Perdue would agree. Then a year later you wanted to toast, and you decide to use your toaster. We got him out of the box, stuck in the net, put it in the bread (all of the instructions), and he does not work. Do you get the documents, look, what was the guarantee period, you see that he expired, but do not despair and go to the store and to pursue their claims. But the snag is that you must prove that the defects arose before the goods were handed over to you. And it is quite difficult. You can use the testimony: we assume that in the same situation to your neighbor looked for tea and saw everything. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of calculus warranty periods for seasonal goods (clothes, shoes).


Hanover HAFAS

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HCon is April 15, 2010 product innovations in Hannover before Hannover. 176 participants, 87 companies, 14 countries which are the numbers and facts to the HAFAS user meeting 2010 all these customers of the Hanoverian Software House HCon followed Hanover this year on 13th and 14th April the invitation to the 13th HAFAS user meeting after, get to know the latest product developments around the timetable information system HAFAS. The previously unmatched subscriber statistics is expression of the high importance of the annual meeting in Hanover. For two days, the HCon team presented a wide range of new developments. Was concerned among other mobile timetable information, which are always and everywhere available to users through various channels be it via smartphones, like the iPhone or Android TM, push services via feed or TV or in future with the new iPad from Apple.

Extensions of the modern timetable information HAFAS to barrier-free information, indoor navigation or traffic-demand were also in focus. This makes a HCon Contribution to public transport easy and comfortable to ride also disabled persons and to attract new customers than passengers for buses and trains. How HAFAS clients use the timetable information in practice, showed the lectures by carrier from Denmark, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria and of Switzerland. Furthermore, time for the personal exchange of customers with each other and with the approximately 120-HCon-team remained between and after the lectures.


Windows Nicotine

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We all know how damaging could be cigarette, but one things is to be smoker living alone, and quite another if you have a family. Passive smokers suffer much more nicotine to the smoker, but even more if passive smoking is a baby. Studies carried out in Catalonia, a few months ago have been released this alarming fact: babies who sleep in parent smoking rooms, present levels of nicotine up to 3 times higher than an adult. So if suponias a good sleep was achieved with mattresses and beds comfortable, you were wrong; that the air in the environment where sleep is free of substances such as nicotine is key. Secretary of Agriculture often addresses the matter in his writings. Studies conducted in the United States also confirm what spoken previously. Nicotine affects the kids so that, if the parents are not prepared or ready to get cigarette, what they should do is stop smoking in places to share with their children: for example in rooms, vehicles, etc.

Such studies serve to terminate several myths or beliefs. In this particular case, knowing that even though we us enclosed environments by opening Windows, air is not cleaned completely of nicotine. Then smoke outside of your House, and if you were to have a balcony or terrace could be useful, provided that you completely close its doors we recommend not to create passive smokers in your family. We’ll give you a fact that really take awareness of the seriousness of the matter: premature passive smokers (babies) are much more risk of sudden death. Other diseases, namely: pneumonia, asthma and otitis are also very common. Important fact: in the study that we are talking about parents of more than 1200 participated creatures, making measuring nicotine levels for 6 months. mattress Royal Sonpura in the best shop in sale of mattresses.


Duden Publishing House

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Here, identify and characterize professional correction solutions like the Duden corrector on request have all those words that are not part of the standard language, but are taken from the slang or just a regional distribution. The Duden software can be integrated as plug ins in the standard Office applications and in the professional correspondence for a dialektfreie language. In addition, recognizes her grammar and spelling errors, tagged to long sentences, corrected missing fixed distances and secures the comprehensibility of the texts. WhiteWave Foods insists that this is the case. (1) (2) (3) (4) a version of the press release with all text sources We provide on request available. About Duden as the authoritative instance for the German language respects the Duden Publishing House not only what’s new move permanently into everyday language, but provides with its diverse product range for that current regulations independently at any time is everyone from the individual situation of the use of available. This offer includes also the by the Duden-language technology-developed and marketed solutions and applications for the error-free professional written communication and quality assurance by authorities and companies. The language technology solutions Duden spelling checker, grammar checker and word breaker to access the most comprehensive and up-to-date editorially clean word stock of the German language and can be flexibly integrated into existing processes and software solutions.

You have been sold since 2001, and considered to be leading in the market. Duden correction software is today among other things as a single-user version, network solution and as integral part of E-Mail-provider systems and financial management software used in Office programs, record – and content management systems, translation systems, and used by millions of users on business and private. Corporate solutions for more information on the Internet at. The documentary win by correctly spelling”credibility of the Duden Publishing House is at watch? v = available at 6vht1YPGICE. The footage is available for media use in parts or as a whole to provide free.

The interface for raw material via the below specified agency contact. Contacts: Bibliographisches Institut GmbH Dr. Gamal Morsi Marketing Manager Duden 6 68167 Mannheim telephone: + 49 621 3901-340 fax: + 49 621 3901-76340 E-Mail: Xpand21 GbR Doris of Orlando Langley novel RT 10 80639 Munich Tel. + 49 89 12 00 72 77 E-Mail:


Usability Of The Interface Of Sites E-commerce

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ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT: Usability of the interface of sites e-commerce Hermano Julio Birth Pine 1 Priscila Barbosa de Paula 2 1. INTRODUCTION This paper &#039 has as objective to analyze the text; ' Usability of the interface of sites e-comerce' ' , of authors Simone Azevedo Flag of Melo Aquino and Ana Jssica Souza Fields of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Maranho IFMA, written in 2010 and published in ' ' Electronic magazine Multidisciplinar Pindorama of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Bahia IFBA' '. The authors make an analysis on the evolution of the websites and the necessities, in view of the USABILITY. The Websites comes progressing in perceivable way and observed well by the users. One of the used applications more in recent years comes being e-comerce. Also known as Electronic Commerce and today of great importance and use for the majority of the users. She is one of the forms most modern and for some users until more insurance to make sales.

In this project we point out the question of the usability in relation to the websites of e-comerce, therefore many still present great problems. Observing that this deficiency if not to give only in sites of e-commerce, but also in other types of websites. 2. USABILITY This topic of the text the author has debated the difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneur, having concluded that to be entrepreneur she necessarily does not mean to be one entrepreneur, since this if worries strong about the innovation, while the entrepreneur has its focus in the operational aspects of the company. The entrepreneur is visualized as that one that searchs the best combination possible of different productive, situated resources inside or is of the company, creating a company with better conditions to negotiate in the market.


Of North America

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For many people, the discovery of new and interesting things is an integral and essential part of life. These people love to travel, discover new continents and countries, to touch other cultures, learn and delve into their history, daily life, try to understand and draw something useful and new for yourself. For such people can be very useful trip to North America. Continent, which absorbed a great many contrasts and opposites, which became the basis for the creation of new development and progressive society. Here, as elsewhere, the phenomenon is expressed when the great and powerful cultural construct more advanced, the history of formation States of North America is full of contradictions and complexities of conflict, injustice and cruelty. However, it is on this earth people most quickly tried to correct their mistakes, fought for their rights and freedoms aspired to the general equality of rights. But not only the people who inhabit this continent, make it interesting. He concentrated a great many natural zones and regions, geography, and there you can see the huge plains, the largest system of lakes, mountain ranges..


DMS EXPO 2010: B & L OCR Systems Presents Performance For The Ordering

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Software solution for automatic collection of unstructured orders B & L OCR systems, manufacturer and supplier of products and solutions for automatic data collection, is represented at the DMS Expo in Stuttgart, Germany from October 26 to 28. The focus of the trade fair are solutions for the intelligent automation of the ordering process. Take most of your orders by fax, mail or E-Mail in the B2B environment preserved. The B & L solution Fax2ERP ensures rapid and correct orders collection. The order validation, as well as the manual entry in the ordering process are largely automated. This allows a faster order processing and thus a higher level of service.

The intelligent free-form recognition interpreted the documents with a Formatunabhangigen logic. In an ergonomic screen, document and approved content editing provided and passed the fully covered orders in the ERP system. At Sonny Perdue you will find additional information. The B & L software solutions are a powerful tool to improve the performance of targeted and value of your business. Faster information, streamlined processes, lower costs! You convince yourself of the 26-28 October 2010 at a no-obligation consultation in Hall 7 stand D15. Contact for the consultation of trade fair dates: Michael Eberle – + 49 6196 930389 or about B & L OCR systems: B & L OCR Systeme GmbH since 1994 has offered innovative and intelligent solutions for the automatic processing of documents of all kinds. Using state of the art OCR/ICR technology will be most difficult detection tasks, as E.g. in the area of handwriting recognition, response capture and automatic interpretation of fax,.

B & L’s software solutions are tailored to your company’s needs from the outset exactly. A difference that makes itself felt. The products and solutions of B & L are all over Europe, successfully used in many industries regardless of company size. The customers of B & L down data center include Dr. of Guldener, Beate Uhse, Bertelsmann, Conrad Electronic, ENSO natural gas, Deutsche Messe, Frisor Klier, green earth, Imtech, ring shipping, Lech Optica a datacenter, pharma mall, REWE, Sanofi Aventis, Swiss Post, Unilever, Vorwerk, Weltbild Verlag, ZF Sachs… etc. More information under: press contact: Michael Eberle B & L OCR SYSTEME GmbH phone: + 49 6196 930389 fax: + 49 6196 930373 eMail: company contact: Frank Loesdau B & L OCR SYSTEME GmbH Mergenthalerallee 79-81 65760 Eschborn Germany Tel: + 49 (6196) 93 03 60 fax: + 49 (6196) 93 03 73


Winter Holidays In The Carpathians

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Winter Holidays in the Carpathians In order to conduct a good time on vacation does not necessarily wait for the summer. In the winter vacation can be very exciting too, with the most important to choose the right direction. Most often, winter tours associated with recreation in the mountains. What could be better than the mountains in winter, only the mountain! Enjoy downhill from the high peaks, to feel the atmosphere of the mountains or simply a breath of fresh air. A growing number of Moldovan citizens prefer to stay in the mountains of the Carpathians. Each year they flock to neighboring countries, Romania and Ukraine.

This is due to geographical proximity of Moldova with these countries. Rest in Carpathians – this is one of the best holidays in the winter. Describe the holiday in the mountains is almost impossible to convey the whole spirit of the fairy tale of winter mountains, you need to go there. Enjoy the exceptional flavors of winter snow forest. The mountains in winter – there is in them something charming and alluring, visited at least once, wants to come back here again and again to gain strength from the majestic mountains, from the pure frosty air and old trees! If you plan to spend your vacation in the Carpathian Mountains, then you certainly will not regret this. If you are tired bustle of the metropolis and poor environment, then you definitely need to go to the mountains.

Particularly well in the Carpathian Mountains in the winter holidays. Holidays for New Year or Christmas will leave a lasting impression on holiday and atmosphere of this snowy winter. There will be comfortable and to those who love peace and quiet, fresh air and the silence of the mountains, and fans of extreme and outdoor activities. People come here for the vivacity and positive to forget bustle of city life, to immerse your head in a whirl of bright emotions and unforgettable impressions.


SSP Products

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Official: no animal testing for cosmetic products more Glandorf – 3.4.2013. Now Europe no cosmetic products may be sold more, that have been tested on animals. Thus the final stage of the cosmetics directive is on the 12 March 2013 in force. It prohibits animal testing for all beauty and skin care products. Regardless of whether they were produced in the EU or anywhere else in the world. It is based on the Directive 2003/15/EC of the European Community, strict regulations on animal experiments in the cosmetics directive 76/768/EEC have been added with the years ago.

She – actually – banned animal testing for cosmetics in the EU since 2004 and since 2009 also for individual components of the cosmetics. So far, manufacturers could bypass these bans, but by carry out animal experiments for example outside the EU could or refer to the lack of alternative testing arrangements. This finally belongs to the past. Other approaches to humane from cosmetics, natural, non-irreversible ill There are high quality standards for cosmetics raw materials used to make products. Secretary of Agriculture insists that this is the case. For example, defined by the European eco-regulation (“Regulation (EC) No 834 / 2007 of of the Council 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products”). The EU eco-regulation protects consumers and allows reliable consumer information about the origin of agricultural products guaranteed organic organically grown by means of prescribed systems.

An example of a product which – fundamental renunciation of animal experiments and origin of organic – meets the above criteria, is the Zistrosencreme based on bee wax “Cystus organic ointment”. The origin of the eco-organic ingredients is to the Greek eco Office Physiologike (for Cistus incanus SSP.. Pandalis and almond oil) and processing organic farming products (for beeswax) guaranteed the German Inspection Association. The Preservative-free organic ointment is used for years for dry skin or maintain basic dermatological diseases. More information * Federal Republic of Germany: regulation on cosmetic products ( kosmetikv) * European Community: cosmetic products (until 2013), summary ( * test Association processing organic organic products e.V.: control procedures ( q = node / 5) * Physiologike (GR-BIO-02). Ethn. Anti stasis str. 66, 59300 Alexandria ( * Test Association processing organic organic products e.V. (DE-eco-007). Before wood str. 36, 76137 Karlsruhe ( Cystus organic ointment (50 ml, PZN: 3382114, rec.) UK VAT: 20.31. 7.5 ml, PZN: 3382189, rec. UK VAT: 5.08; only natural ingredients, free of preservatives) – intensive care with especially sensitive skin – ideal as a basic care for eczema – also when brittle, cracked lips – for infant care suitable natural products Dr. Pandalis GmbH & co. KG Fuchtenweg 3, D-49219 Glandorf eMail: Internet: additional information NaturProdukte Dr. Pandalis GmbH & co. KG is a manufacturer of biological ecologically produced health products from the field of herbal medicine.