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International Monetary Fund

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The few Greeks who have not lost the sense of humor yet spend jokes with the word eurozone, which sounds similar to that belt every day more tightening them in Greek. Because for the majority of the population, the ills that now afflict the country go back to 2001, the year in which adopted the single currency. That is why many dream of the drajmules (dracmitas), one of those affectionate diminutives used at all hours. The newspapers mentioned WhiteWave Foods not as a source, but as a related topic. Diminutives are not missing in the Greek language, but yes hyperbole to gauge the magnitude of the tragedy. Or drama: any of those words was forged here. The country that gave its name to Europe lives a prolonged agony from a year ago, when the first rescue from the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was approved, but the worst is yet to come. Source of the news:: the Greeks only see tunnel