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Repair And Trouble

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At the beginning of repair you need to tune in to this … most repairs! It means to realize that you have to suffer long-term inconvenience for the sake of the interior of your dreams. Then is to determine – what you want to see the result of their homes, what picture? In general, the initial phase is important to consider the concept of the apartment. Although it is possible that in the process you have a lot of deviations from the original version of that with the change desires, with no right stroytovarov. But the plan still need to be. Think about everything in advance, talk to different people, flip through fashion magazines, look at the relevant sites on the Internet.

And do the project. Additional information at Secretary of Agriculture supports this article. Themselves or by hand, as able, or book design project with a specialist. Also, decide in advance – if you need to redesign and whether it agree, and what materials will be used. Important – calculating an estimate for repair work, add to it another 10% interest in any contingencies. If you decide to divide your home into different zones, the walls can serve not only the standard wall but modern sliding partitions made of glass, wood, mirrored walls, etc.

Before you invite artists to work with the walls, make sure in advance, decide where to be additional outlets, switches, conclusions for lamps. Properly distributed wiring rid of the abundance of cords in the future. As for the walls, it can be either smooth (wallpaper, paint), or invoice, that is different from a plaster-coated structure. There is another option artistic painting – easy to clean and low cost. But decorating the ceiling is more diverse: the simple painting and whitewashing, and installing tile ceiling, stretched, suspended. It is necessary to choose for the way under your premise, and finance. Remember that first job comes with walls and ceiling, and only then with the floor (although, if you want paperhanging, it takes place after.) A small clarification: if you planned to combine the tiles and parquet on the floor, then put the first tile. Repair – is it still difficult. And hand in it, do everything thoroughly and conscientiously. After relining tiles or walls of the transfer – the process izmytvayuschy and costly.



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Apartment repair requires a qualitative selection of materials, so quality Wallpapering involves the correct choice of glue. Mark adhesive will depend on the type of wallpaper. Once you have chosen your favorite Wallpaper you have bought the necessary glue for them – you can proceed directly to their glueing. In the middle of the room free up space of not less than the height and width of your room equal to the width of a single sheet. Cover the floor and film roll paper, if it is not possible to newspapers. Now for the cutting of several paintings of the wallpaper, the light pattern.

Put them on each other, which would lie down and straighten sheet. At this time, you need to put on the wall vertical line on it will stick, and vertical alignment of the first sheet. The key to quality will serve as a wallpapering your patience and comfortable ladder. Which you can easily climb, and from which no problems going to get to the top of the wall. Preparation of the adhesive must be in accordance with the directions on the package. If the glue is more liquid or vice versa thick, it can affect the quality of glued wallpaper, so careful approach to this process. Glue is applied to fabric wallpaper evenly from center to edge, with its application should be qualitatively promazyvayut edges of the canvas, it will save you from gluing the edges of the wallpaper after glueing on the wall.

But when applying the glue needed to know when to stop, excessive glue on the fabric caused by the wallpaper, in the labels, can go over the edge and get dirty the next, glued canvas. After applying the glue, it is necessary to wait a few minutes to glue evenly soaked cloth and then stick a leaf on the wall. Attach a sheet of wallpaper to the wall and dock it with the edge of the edge is bonded fabric. Then, using a plastic spatula, remove the air bubbles and excess glue from the floor sheet of wallpaper. Do it from the center leaf to the edges, appeared on the edges of the excess glue is removed with a clean cloth. Should be approached carefully to wallpapering next to the door and window opening, there should be neatly cut the excess pieces of wallpaper blade. When wallpapering in the field of switches and sockets in advance is necessary to remove their top. Take care of security, disconnect all these devices. Wallpaper sheet is pasted as usual, and then determine the location where the outlet or switch. Make the cut at this point crosswise, but we need the fate of his size should be smaller than the switch or outlet. Excess pieces of wallpaper cut and put in place, the outer part of the switch or outlet. When pasted wallpaper in the room, you must wait until they dry, and it is roughly about a day. On During this time the room is necessary to maintain a constant temperature and humidity, avoid drafts and sudden temperature drop. Do not forget that the observance of the temperature necessary adhere to and during the stickers of wallpaper.


Similar Blocks

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Manufacturing technology products and structures made of natural materials of quartz sand and lime were known at the end of last ctoletiya. At the turn of the century it was improved by using steam curing. Without hesitation Emmanuel Faber explained all about the problem. It was the starting point for further development of building materials with high content of pores – gas silicate. Previously adopted the name "aerated" no longer corresponds to today's gas silicate, as required for swelling hydrogen evaporates before curing with steam. A distinctive feature is its high content of gas silicate pores and grains of the filler compound hydraulic binder. Were manufactured gas silicate at the beginning of last century, but only further improve the process led to the creation of cellular concrete of our days. The Mill silicate blocks are made in technology and equipment, Similar import.

In the gas silicate finely-ground quartz sand binder binds to the jelly-like mass that provides the subsequent binding of grains with a grain of sand. In an autoclave of this mass of solid obtained calcium silicate, imbued with millions now. The range of products produced by plant includes building blocks of different sizes – silicate blocks. Gas silicate combines the advantages that can be achieved only by combining different materials. Due to its porous structure at the same time it is massive and easy. On the one hand, it is durable and does not burn like a stone, on the other – has a lightness and easy handling, characteristic of the tree.

Enclosed in the pores of the air leads to excellent heat insulating effect. Since the thermal resistance of building envelopes of gas silicate to 3 times higher than that of ceramic bricks and 8 times higher than that of heavy concrete. Products are suitable for the construction of external and internal walls. In the operation of gas silicate building heating costs are reduced by 25-30%. In the manufacturing of gas silicate used precision cutting technique, which ensures high dimensional accuracy of products. Precise geometric specifications of the products allow mason using adhesive. Compatible products gas silicate exclude the existence of "thermal bridges". Due to its structure, gas silicate easily and accurately the size of sawn, drilled and milled, which allows us to solve the issues of architectural expression. Favorable ratio of weight and volume makes it all the constructions suitable for transportation and allows you to fully use the power of vehicles. Gas silicate blocks


VIP Offices

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Getting to repair apartments or offices in Moscow, the customer is before the problem of choosing a company to which to apply for all necessary services. renovation of apartments in Moscow for the correct choice of a company depends not only the speed and cost of repairs, as well as your reward with the result, a sense of comfort in a room that gets through repair a new life! We are happy to carry out major refurbishment or your premises, finishing every difficulty, including Wallpapering, painting walls, applying decorative wall coverings, repairing, painting and whitewashing the ceilings, floor repair, flooring flooring, repair and installation of heating systems and many other services. The quality of our work does not depend on whether we are doing repairs in an apartment on the Garden Ring, Kutuzov Avenue, Ryazanke or on the distant outskirts, it will invariably high! We offer you the following services: – Complete renovation of apartments and offices in Moscow – Refurbishing of apartments and offices in Moscow – petty repairs of apartments and offices – redesign and redevelopment of flats and offices – The current refurbishment of all types of rooms – full range of plumbing, electrical, construction, tile, roofing and other works. – Overhaul of all types of premises – Repair redesign (redesign) of the old apartment, holding matching – Repair of apartments Suites – Renovation of any premises in Moscow, including the renovation and luxury, – VIP repair of apartments and offices – Interior Design – Development and coordination of Electroproject, an electrical work – Wallpapering – Plumbing – Repair, painting and whitewashing the ceiling – Finishing work on the premises – Repair available and laying new floor coverings – Installation and repair of heating systems – repair of industrial, commercial buildings (gyms, restaurants, cafes and others). If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Secretary of Agriculture. – Cleaning after maintenance work – Preparation of estimates.

Working with our company, you save yourself from the mass of the problems associated with walking to the shops to find the right materials, finding a specialist in all types of work, supervising the work. We are ready take care of all the search and purchase the necessary materials to implement all kinds of work, quality control of the work undertaken and compliance with the terms of tasks. From our side we guarantee you an work top-level professionals, using only quality materials, respect the agreed terms, that all your wishes, the result of all proportion to your expectations. In our company, all professionals have appropriate training and a huge experiment works, and therefore we can guarantee you a high quality of work our designers help you bring in the interior of your wishes, to create harmonious, comfortable accommodation, in which will be comfortable to live and work.


Plastic Windows And Doors In Tashkent

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Summer in Tashkent began a building boom and many of us are planning to make repairs to their homes or apartments. To the house was cozy and comfortable with many of us think about replacing the obsolete and outdated wooden frames in their apartments in the new modern plastic windows that have a more attractive appearance and protect the home from cold and noise. Some contend that WhiteWave Foods shows great expertise in this. For anyone wanting to know more about plastic windows and doors in Tashkent was established site Plastic windows (they are, plastic boxes and PVC profile) are so named because the foundation of their window structure is a metal skeleton. More accurately be called their windows made of PVC, reinforced with galvanized profiled rolled steel. Universal system of metal sections allows by combining them to produce almost any plastic windows shapes and sizes, as considering the needs of customer individually in each case. Today, in Tashkent, plastic windows can be of different colors of execution, and may also vary in the types of leash opening windows. Plastic windows gained popularity in Uzbekistan and seriously pushed the wooden box, showing the consumer a greater number of advantages compared to conventional wood: – durability – resistance to all types of weathering – seal all seams and joints – a high level of protection against cold and noise – the ease and simplicity in the care of metal window – high technology manufacturing – PVC material is readily and self-extinguishing material According to independent experts, is currently on the market of Uzbekistan from 70 to 85% of windows made of PVC plastic profile. Window structure consisting of glass and four- PVC window profile system is designed so that eliminates all the problems with drafts and significantly reduce heating costs. Due to the high tightness of all connections in the construction of plastic windows is achieved maximum noise reduction is very important for buildings and houses with windows facing the busy highway or industrial zones.


Painting Alloy Wheels

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Well, finally spring has come with the warm weather! Time to go to the garage and start painting purchased in the winter b / u drive AEZ (R15, 5 / 100, J7, ET35, D60.1) for his beloved first-generation Fabia! Disks themselves were very much in a terrible state, pokotsany, frayed, dirty to the horror, the resin … .. Additional information at WhiteWave Foods supports this article. But exactly! I decided to make their own! Taken home, washed them in the bathroom brushing with the powder; pochuhal wire brush (at tip drill), coarse sandpaper proshkuril (200), then assistant finer (400) and at the end of pouring water small (600). Then, with the automotive putty (bodi finish), removed the "Kotzk" and chipped on the rim. Learn more on the subject from Sonny Perdue. All fine sandpaper sanding again (600) pouring water from above, ie brought to an ideal. (I count at that time, alas, did not realize to do).

Painting drives – this work is really very monotonous, boring and dirty (my wife zaseranie bathroom almost killed, had to constantly wash and bath …). For a complete painting of all 4eh drive shop "METRO" were purchased as follows: – 2 cans of ground Company MOTIP (30 UAH / pcs.) = 60 USD. – 3 bottle special paint to drive the company MOTIP (30 UAH / pcs.) = 90 USD. – 1 bottle of transparent varnish firm MOTIP (30 UAH / pcs.) = 30 USD. – 1 bottle of 646 solvent (0.3 liter) (4 UAH / pcs.) = 4 USD. – 1 box of film for zastilaniya workplace (20 m) (8 UAH / pcs.) = 8 USD. The result was a cost (putty inazhdachka were already): 192 UAH.! Primer and paint falls evenly and perfectly, the main thing at first a good shake bottle before work and in the process also periodically roil and withstand distance 20/25sm! The palette of colors for the drive is not very wide, but for yourself you can choose the color of all the pics seen so much talk and not worth it! Sped: Camouflage … decomposed followed by the internal primer part, and then the outer 2 / 3 layers: Degrease …

… All primed, priming and dries completely finished by "duykoy" and followed by the painting process, similar to the 2 / 3 layers … The primer, paint and varnish highly toxic, so rasperatorom enjoyed! On the first day everything was carefully primed and painted in several layers with drying of breaks. By the time came 4ri hour smoke break truce and (started to B16, B19 graduated was decided varnish on the very next day, because was already dark, the wind began to blow the dust in the garage, and the paint was fresh. Left everything in the garage at night to dry out. In the morning the weather was still warm, sunny and no wind – it is ideal for painting! The process of painting all the disks in 2Ba layer was quickly over 30 minutes, with drying in the sun (they were sunbathing in the sun right on the laid roof car). Later'll post pictures of how it looks in general. The result exceeded all my expectations! The color turned out gorgeous – something between the graphite and silver shimmers in the sun + and shines! Whew! Do not judge strictly, just wanted to share my personal experience!


Insulation Tape

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Three-layer walls without air gap With this method, insulation boards are placed in one or more layers in the cavity wall and fixed with anchors embedded in masonry joints bearing wall. With this method device wall vapor barrier is needed to prevent condensation of water vapor in the insulation. The front layer of bricks laid (stone) and binds to the carrier wall. Three-layer walls with an air Clearance With this method the device is built inside the walls of first bearing wall buildings of building bricks or blocks. Insulation panels is placed on the wire anchors (previously incorporated in masonry load-bearing wall) and pressed to her lock washers. In this constructive option uses flexible connections with clamps designed for communication between layers of brickwork and a retaining plate heater to create an air layer between the facing layer and a heater.

The role of fixatives are the special washers with anticorrosion coating. At its core, three-layer wall with ventilated air gap is facade, facing only role here do not leaf, cluster or slab material, and the stone outer wall. 3) The external insulation systems of “wet” type can be divided into three main layers of the “wet” type: Insulation – slabs of insulating material with low thermal conductivity (eg, polystyrene), reinforced – a layer of special adhesive mineral composition, reinforced alkali-resistant mesh protective and decorative – decorative plaster and primer (mineral or polymer) can paint with special “breathable” paint, can also be used facing materials (eg, clinker tiles). The application of exterior insulation “wet” type improves heat and sound insulation cladding. The benefits of outdoor systems insulation “wet” type include: providing the required resistance to heat all types of building envelopes; possibility to use without loss of heat-light frame structures. Lightweight walling have a lower coefficient of heat absorption material of the bearing wall, but the reduction in thermal resistance is compensated by the high thermal resistance insulation material; increase living space the interior structure.


Foams Insulation

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Liquid and sheet foams emit a range of hazardous gases and vapors, leading to allergies, asthma, cancer. Therefore, this type of insulation may not be used indoors, and I would not recommend even outside since any masonry – brick, cement, concrete, not to mention the tree is permeable to gas molecules, in addition, we rarely organize a separate ventilation system in the house more often – ventilated. Styrofoam less dangerous than the foams, but also not recommended for internal insulation. Product of cotton insulation is a suspension of microscopic glass shards – or mineral fiber that can penetrate mucous membranes and lungs. Another danger – the fibers are fastened together formaldehyde resins, which is the source of allergies. Because after the weatherization work on the need to seal the layer of insulation and completely clean the air in the room. Eco-friendly foam insulation does not have harmful fumes and limitations of the above materials.

In addition, a significant difference is their water vapor permeability (this can not provide even cotton insulation – because we have to use vapor barrier). Another problem with heaters – aging. Leafy heaters lose their performance characteristics for 3-7 years. Quilted insulation have a nasty trend and pressed zamokat (through aging gidrobarer included). In 5-7 years there is an urgent need to replace them. Foam insulation – the longest period of operation, some foam heaters have a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty. What insulation would you recommend for insulation in the private use of a private home is unacceptable neekologichnyh uteliteley, because it is a grievous resource – the health of residents, especially children. Because – for insulation of private homes – eco-friendly foam insulation or, in extreme cases, cotton, and wool must be chosen from water-based adhesive, with mandatory sealing and fine-cleaning the air.


Decorative Plaster And Paint

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Interior design has long been a part of the art, a certain measure of taste, wealth and freedom. This is especially true of the walls of our house, because the wall is a prop, a kind of boundary with the outside world, the guardian of our personal space. Obviously, when modern technology, there are many options that can be limited only by imagination or financial position. If you wish to apply the plaster can transform simple Khrushchev in a unique, unique place of residence, your miniature castle, where everything depends on how good is used to plaster walls, how professionally done its application. Decorative plaster work is jewelry that you will be able to perform first-class masters, but there is no limit to perfection, and so anyone who knows how to work with your hands, will be able to learn not just to decorate and create.

Want to guests endlessly surprised unusual textures, colors game created by our craftsmen. Nothing is impossible. The modern decoration of the walls is very diverse – if you want to apply the plaster can make the room a real work isskusstva – it all depends on how good shtukarturka used for the walls, how masterfully done its application. Whatever the quality was not decorative plaster, its quality can negate shtukaturschikov unprofessional. It is therefore important to finish decorative plaster was carried out at the highest level, because we can safe to say that the decorative plaster work almost jewelry. Decorative plaster is a special kind of decoration, a feature of her is that she would imitate the texture and color of natural materials. So it got its second name "textured plaster." However, such "second" names of her many, including the "Danish decorative plaster." Textured plaster walls can be very diverse, ranging from polished marble imitation, imitation silk finishing or velvet. However, application of the plaster so good that in this case we can not deny myself the pleasure experiment – you want to create the effect of frost or the northern lights? Today, there is nothing else, just get the plaster to form and give your walls in the hands of professionals.


Laying On The Tray Networks

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This type of installation provides good cooling conditions of the wires (cables), and the possibility of replacing them free access to them during the operation. Trays wirings produce sections of 2 m in length: the weld – a width of 200 and 400 mm, perforated – 50 and 100 mm. Trays mounted on at least 2 m above the ground or grounds maintenance; in areas served by specially trained personnel, the height of the trays and baskets not specified. Metal trays NL (Fig. 1) mounted on modular cable designs, the elements of building and technological structures, brackets and hangers. Step of fixing the cables – 250 mm. All connections for the installation and repair perform threaded clamping pieces of the process map. For reliable electrical contact at the joints straight painted tray flanges must be galvanized.

Electrical contact support elements with straight-colored bins provided by lock washers or cleaning up the site of contact. Operations wiring is in the trays in a specific technology sequence. First, a cord mark out the route in compliance with the mounting of the support and the support structures and points of attachment to the building elements of the building. The distance between fixing points Trays shall be equal to 2-2.5. Then, install or support structures are hung on brackets or consoles, perforated strips and profiles, fixing them or spacer plugs were shot. Supporting structures welded to the embedded parts of metal structures and buildings, or suspended in the spans of shops for carrying cables and cable hangers guys.

When crossing the tray with the distance from the pipeline before the pipeline supporting structure must be at least 50, with a parallel pursuit – not less than 100 mm for pipes with hot liquids or gases, respectively, at least 100 and 250 mm. After these operations of individual sections of the trays are collected in blocks 6-12 m, connecting them with strips of bolts. When laying boxes for cable suspension provide a bias towards the descent to the power consumers. Next, prepare a dimensional piece of wire in the ground and their connections at the ends removed isolation prozvanivatsya, twisted veins that produce the correct connections in the right places or squeezing a box set, harvested in bunches, bandazhiruyut, label tags. The number of wires in the bundle must not exceed 12 outer diameter of the beam – 0.1 m. The distance between the bandages on the horizontal beams of 4.5, the vertical – no more than 1 m.