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It is important that self-esteem of the child is not hung in the air, had not been invented, the ideal, it is necessary that it be backed by something real. He must know what he can and much much can (and do something – even better than the other, for example, paint, sculpt, sing, sing, read poetry). There is even a test for parents. "I know how I can." Mom gives a leaflet and asked to write, "that my child can and what can be." As a rule, my mother can tell her own child is not a lot positive, but "that he could not" take many, many stitches. A similar task is given the most to the child. Caution: the more kid to write about yourself good, the higher the psychological well-being! If he can not speak about currently no good – it's a disaster. Urgently begin to teach him this, otherwise it will be hard to defend against those attacks, which he had to endure at school. Digital Cameras does not necessarily agree. Do not forget to praise: "How great you get (to draw, knit, glue).

You're much more talented than this, than we are with my dad, what your cousin … "We find very little positive recognition. Thousands of adult women there, never heard from those close to a confession of love in tenderness and affection. And it stretches from my childhood! Underpaid in the early years of positive feedback, a person loses a lot in life. All good, positive. Any tiny step forward should be fixed. It is our duty to our neighbors – especially in front of their children. Feeling gratitude, we must give thanks, marveling at her baby – marvel aloud. The main strategic task of the parents – to give the child 6-8 years such a powerful psychological defense that would allow all future failure to perceive as private, do not affect its global, absolute values: family, environment, values of the younger man as personality.



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In order not to guess, that give "diamond" for couples, for a start, imagine yourself in their position. Georgian toast comes to mind: "lonely old man heard a knock at the door and saw a beautiful girl. – I love that I can enter … – Do not should I have for many years. As time passed, again knocking at the door, even more beautiful girl. – I'm rich, you can enter? Followed the same response. The third knock at the door.

Before the door is an elderly woman. – I, friendship. And the old hospitality. A together with the friendship came to the house love and wealth. " This toast says that people need at any age! Things wealth – temporary, the love of "the bride and groom," so already there, but the gifts of friendship always welcome and expected. Most the best gift – the presence of friends at the wedding table. And real friends with empty hands do not come! So, the gifts must comply with an unusual jubilee date – "60 years of marriage." Let's remember, as assessed diamonds. 1.

The cut (cut) What is the cut? This is a special or even say the correct form. Better than her face, the more visible beauty. "Facets" of our wedding couples – their family life, all the steps that they have been together, all the cases made with the participation of both. They have something to tell others not only their loved ones, but also to tell the world.



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I have that to admit that I delayed a tempo (Brazilian term, but thus of the one to only state well the amount of time), to find a photo that really liked. It is truth that exists an enormous variety of images of children, however, and not wanting to call the other ugly ones, I found this most interesting and I explain reason. In my opinion, ' criana' he is sinnimo of: pureness, innocence, simplicity, naivety, diversion, joy, etc, etc. alone in this photo I found that I was portraied all these adjective ones. exactly thus I find that they lack some, but continuing The children, are not alone ' fofinhos beings and queridinhos' , but much more that this. To the times, it liked to come back behind and to live everything of new, to come back to be teeny and to start of the zero. That it is not unhappy now, but I find that this phase is that one of our life where we are always happy ' because sim'. We live everything in an easy and very logical way.

They think and are smart very, more than what some adults find. They have feelings, no matter how hard they seem ' pequeninos' , they also count, and are fragile. No matter how much he seems that these ' mini-mini' they are tiring (always asking to the reason of the things) and flat (when they are in a supermarket insist very will buy its preferred toys), they also know to be meigos and candies in the situations most delicate. They are always intent what she encircles, for other people’s than they seem. for them, ' adulto' she is that person who has that to be looked at with respect, and that she knows everything. Therefore, it disillusions never them. The confidence never lies them, never traia that deposit in you. above all, never if forgets that above all they are children, only living and gozanda its life and learning new things daily. I speak for me, and come back to repeat on, infancy I am a pretty phase of the life (followed clearly of the adolescence, that I will say in another one post) and I have that he uses to advantage it the maximum!



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Roupinhas of drinks online well is come to the future, to buy item for pimpolhos in the current days, is gostoso and interactive, macacozinhos, sapatinhos, enxovais, kits for cradles among others, is now, easily found direct of telinha of its computer. It is very important to discover as soon as possible, if he is boy or girl, therefore to leave to buy the enxoval and articles of first necessity in finishes hour, can become a great migraine. For the afobados mothers and papas more than they want to buy the first parts, they search use products unissex or accessories that if incase to any one of the sexos. If you will be looking for clothes of baby with optimum price, baby companies on-line you offer a portion of advantages. Beyond the price much more in account, the baby companies on-line, tend will offer a bigger variety to it of products for its son. The possibilities of a good one I negotiate, are infinite in companies on-line when compared the physical companies. A good store of clothes of drinks online, offers a great one variety of clothes and accessories.

In the store on-line of the Stork, you finds an ample variety of colors, styles and drawings to please the papayas most demanding. With it must be, the Magic Stork possesss a supply varied and rich in prints and models, becoming the virtual trip of the mothers, pleasant and total intuitiva, easily can one or two find any thing whom they are looking, with clicks of mouse. When the subject is clothes of the girls, most common vestidinhos with is dribbled and lacinhos, but always innovating and concentrating forms to take care of the all type of I publish, beyond the main clothes item, the Stork possesss a vast variety of accessories for the babies girls. Passing to the babies boys, the same thing, beyond the primordial one demanded for enxovais, clothes and item of first necessity, also we count on many exclusive accessories for leaves its baby in fashion.