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In order not to guess, that give "diamond" for couples, for a start, imagine yourself in their position. Georgian toast comes to mind: "lonely old man heard a knock at the door and saw a beautiful girl. – I love that I can enter … – Do not should I have for many years. As time passed, again knocking at the door, even more beautiful girl. – I'm rich, you can enter? Followed the same response. The third knock at the door.

Before the door is an elderly woman. – I, friendship. And the old hospitality. A together with the friendship came to the house love and wealth. " This toast says that people need at any age! Things wealth – temporary, the love of "the bride and groom," so already there, but the gifts of friendship always welcome and expected. Most the best gift – the presence of friends at the wedding table. And real friends with empty hands do not come! So, the gifts must comply with an unusual jubilee date – "60 years of marriage." Let's remember, as assessed diamonds. 1.

The cut (cut) What is the cut? This is a special or even say the correct form. Better than her face, the more visible beauty. "Facets" of our wedding couples – their family life, all the steps that they have been together, all the cases made with the participation of both. They have something to tell others not only their loved ones, but also to tell the world.