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Ceiling Painting

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Tinting ceiling of plasterboard to be benign only after all preliminary matters. Ceiling would not be painted oil painting substance. For tinting ceilings of plasterboard most the best way to remain enamel, alkyd enamel. Waterborne or water-based dye qualitative settles on the ceiling. Know that if you think optically enlarge a new room, then you better just apply the paint dull. Today there are so many of the most ranyh tones of paint. Water based and water-dispersion paints differ from each other so that the emulsion water-based paint can rinsed. The superiority of the dispersion of water-based paints is that waterborne paint can not be washed off with water.

In addition, the latex paint can be any shade, in contrast to waterborne paint, which is often only in white. Water dispersion paints have a whole range of advantages over water-based paints. Dispersive water-based paints are durable in operation, is also as acrylic enamel. Ceilings painted with waterborne paints can be washed up to two thousand times. If you often smoke in the room, then this paint for the ceiling will be the good solution, because this dye does not change its original color and does not yellow. Outside of the paint can be placed on the ceilings of gypsum board in 2 layers. If you use the Russian waterborne paint, the paint should be applied once in 3 layers. Choose to paint particular roller.

In foreign countries for painting ceilings is now very widely used variety of finishes: these enamels often paint the apartment, car. In our country, the enamel is used in rare cases, the only reason is that the enamel is two times more expensive than water-based paints. Enamel paint is beautiful and because the enamel has a true white. In addition, the enamel dries quickly and is resistant to moisture. Everything materials produced in Europe, followed. Shelf life of enamel paint American suppliers do not set – think that such paints are durable enough. At the national colors of the expiration date indicated. But experts explain that a little "overdue" paint totally usable, most importantly – carefully sboltat paint, and then you can start painting the ceiling. We can safely conclude that the repair of houses inexpensive type of recovery is whitewashing the ceiling of ceilings. For this type of work suited all kinds of ceilings as plaster or paint the ceiling does not require secondary processing ceilings. When working with ceilings, we chose painting the ceiling and did not regret!


Building Mixes Material

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Let's first take a look at what the dry mix, and what they are. So, the mortar is dry component material used for various types of construction and repair work. Ready for of material obtained by mixing powdered formula with water in the necessary proportions. Appointment of dry building mixes different. The basis of most mixtures is either sand or cement, or building plaster. But their final list of selected clearly for specific purposes and is a proprietary recipe of each manufacturer, ensuring maximum results. Depending on the application and the desired result in a mixture of various components are added, giving her strength, relief, grit, gloss on the finished surface, etc.

The main varieties of dry mixes are characterized by their target purpose: – to strengthen the weak bases – for sealing joints and seams – for waterproof surface – decorative paint (for facade work) – putty mixtures (for repairs) – peskobetonnye masonry mixture. Thus, the modern dry mix can be used on virtually all phases of construction, from foundation work to decorate the interior. A, respectively, without them can not do any professional builders, nor the ordinary enthusiasts, making repairs in his apartment, house or cottage. Working with this material requires certain skills, and perhaps just a newbie will not be able to achieve the desired result, but you always help to manufacturers' recommendations on the use of a particular type of construction of the mixture. And the use of its clear purpose to provide a much longer maintain the specified properties of the surface prepared with the mixture and, therefore, disappear in need frequent repairs, which will save you money. The main thing to imagine clearly the desired result and avoid mistakes in the choice of quality material.