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Henry Mintzberg

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The idea is to emphasize that the companies must make of the Strategical Planning its distinguishing greater in the competitive market and that the customers do not have to be seen as simple purchasers of products, but as lifting of a business, people special who, if taken care of well, will be handspikes so that the company if keeps and grows in the market, independent of the competition and the branch of business where she acts. It is basic to approach the concepts and the relevance of the Strategy and the Strategical Planning in this article, therefore it is known that no organization grows without planning, and this starts when the structural bases that esteiam the business strategically are studied and analyzed. Thus, the importance and the concepts, from the vision of authors as Henry Mintzberg, Igor Ansoff, Porter, Wright Kroll and Pamell, Drucker, beyond of Chan Kim and the French teacher Rene Mauborne, is the references of support for this moment for extending the agreement on the subject. Consideraes on Social Responsibility is presented, therefore they intencionam to bring to tona the quarrel on the use of resources of the organization to help to solve problems and accomplishment of goals social, since all company could have this commitment stops with the society, therefore if it assumes that these organizacionais goals do not have mere to be economic, but also social. One searched then to identify through examples two companies whose behaviors are inserted in this context: the American 3M and Calados Azalea is boarded for being organizations that believe that the social responsibility consists of projected activities to improve the society and not only to take care of to the economic interests and technician of the organization. Finally, some consideraes on Strategy of Differentiation, focada in the importance are made of Communication, therefore the organizations need to convince the market the one that if destine of the differential of its products and/or its activities, strengthening that an excellent attendance and a system of narrow relationship with the customers are primordial conditions to support the differentiation throughout the time.


The Situations

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The cooperated ones are producing agricultural, with little escolaridade and vast practical experience, that the application makes it difficult of new technologies of production. E, as the power to decide process inside of a cooperative one passes for the consensus of the cooperated ones, is necessary the constant formation technique of the producers. Therefore, for Mrs. Ctia, strategy is the way to convince the cooperated ones the correct actions to be taken to the development of the business. It is to obtain to revert to the situations to our favor.

Why … knowledge are few. … Nor always people has access pro that it needs. Then it needs to have a thing that the personal flame of waist game. Costumo to say that in some difficult situations you need to have skill, you has that to have a power to convince for the argument, the people go to make what you need.

You decide. … Has some people as soon as, they had learned the life all to make of a skill. If I arrive and speak that this here is not in accordance with the technique, and I am therefore that we are having problem, it I do not go to accept. It goes to feel itself diminished in its knowledge practical. You have that to have a strategy. In the truth you are giving the knowledge, but this knowledge has that to be given of form that is easy pra it (cooperated) to accept. If not accepted it. It needs to be a way to convince, this valley pra everything, pra to vender the fruits, has that to have skill. (stretch of the interview) When comparing the concept defined with the theoretical concept of Porter, perceives that ' ' skill of convencer' ' used as half of if reaching an objective it is, also, a defensive or offensive action, that it aims at to create a position in the market, facing the existing competitive forces.


Jerome McCarthy

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Marketing composition According to Jerome McCarthy. Basicmarketing (1960) and deals with the set of point of interests for which the organizations must this intent one, if desires to pursue its objectives of Marketing. The composition is divided in four sections that are; – product of the English product – price of the Prince English – local of the English promotion Yield of allocation of resources is not enough to satisfy the consumers, if this will be made in a lucrative way. The marketing strategy must, therefore, to identify, to attract and to keep the income-producing customer. That is, those that generate a prescription flow that exceeds the flow of cost of being to attract vendem and serviz it. Cycle of life of the product of services the cycle of life of a product or service indicates possibility of the growth of the consuming market and also it indicates action principles that can be followed in the planejamentos of the marketing. Principles of marketing According to Hooley, Saunders Piercy (2001) the principles that serve to guide the concept in such a way as action of Marketing are; – the customer is the center of everything: from the recognition on that the survival of a company depends on the satisfaction of the customer, to search the best form to take care of it; – the customers do not buy products: they buy what the products make for they, that is, the customers are interested in the benefits that they get by means of the purchase, use or consumption of good of services; – the Marketing is very important to be left the position only of the department of Marketing: the Marketing is a task of all in the organizations. The actions of all can have an impact on the final customers and its satisfaction? second (Hooley; Saunders; Piercy, 2001, P. 24); – the markets are heterogeneous: the market is divided in different customers, specific niches, distinct segments.



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Now, you, already as a success entrepreneur, need to have a continuous plan of accompaniment and evaluation, so that she makes the necessary adjustments and adequacies. Of this form, you he will be capable of: to know well and to extend its business; to invest in other equipment; to divulge its mark; to contract more employed; to get greaters profits; to identify chances; to obtain financing; to communicate with partners and suppliers. 3.Tipos of Benchmarking In the enterprise scope are possible to detach some types of benchmarking, these can be; – lnterno – Competitive – Generic – Functional – Internal Benchmarking; it can inside be made of the proper company, where each session can search references in the other sessions of work, searching the improvement of the executed tasks. – Competitive Benchmarking; the company focuses another company who disputes the same market directly, or either, a company whom she manufactures or vende the same type of merchandise or gives type of service the same. For this it is necessary to observe you so easily practise them of the other company, however no direct accepted competitor that its information are divulged so that can favor and give competitive advantages for the other organization. – Functional Benchmarking; he is not dedicated to the direct competitor, but yes to the other organizations that more possess a model of production or attendance to the customer with sophisticated techniques than they can take care of and come to improve the process of the company who is effecting the research. – Generic Benchmarking; it has the characteristic to search the best processes between that they interest and they satisfy the yearnings of the company, this process is more complex, however the quality index is superior to the others and has the capacity to generate one high return in long stated period for the organization. 4. Difficulties and problems in the implantation and performance of the Benchmarking the Benchmarking is a management process that it makes possible the improvement of the enterprise activities of continuous form, adding values to the same one.


Increasing Business

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Exactly when its business is off-line, it is vital that you disponibilise easy conditions of being located online. It has many things that you can make to certify yourself of that the people are not with difficulties to locate it in the Internet. It has a series of things to make offline, as the cold call, promotions of marketing off-line, etc. In this article, we will speak on some things that you can make so that they can know that you are on-line so accessible how much possibly she can be. To construct an impressive site. This necessary site to be well projected.

It needs well to be written. The involved information must be pertinent for the interests of its market-target. It is also very important to include in the site a resource so that the people can use to make contact you. The method most easy for this is to place a contact form where the visitors can to fill with its doubts, opinions and etc. Is certain to answer to each message that you will be sent, exactly that is a short reply that says simply one ' ' debtor for its commentary! ' ' To frequently carry through a research for its name in all the search engines.

It sees why and as they look for, as much for its proper name as the name of its business. This can help to discover it what the other people are saying on you and its business. You go to find things as the revisions and the entrances of blogs that they mention its business and what you are offering. If its searches not to give any result, you will need to apply efforts to stimulate its marketing. Lack of new features can be the main reason so that you are not making the sales. The people need to have conditions and easinesses to locate it in lesser possible time, exactly that not yet she knows as to arrive directly at its site.


Fred Graef

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In fact, valley the penalty to practise the behavior of being only the observer, without judging. An observing one only perceives, does not evaluate. If eventually photographing judging in them, this already is a good start. It is signal of that we are conscientious, and this is the first step for the change. All good, and what this colloquy has to see with personal development and marketing multilevel? Well, the MMN and the involved people in this market have much time despertam my interest and my respect. They are motivated, positive, glad people and that they want to improve and to prosper.

I identify myself very with this energy. Only that when I thought about entering in this market, it was with that sensation type, ‘ ‘ but what my traditional customers go to find? , ‘ ‘ what they go to think? ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ but this does not have to see with aminha history pessoal’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ plus a change in mine vida’ ‘ etc. That is, a mount of bobagem in my head. From there, thinking on this equation fear/life/judgment of the others (history to be running in the mat and attending the interviews), came that thing ‘ ‘ eureka’ ‘! It was (it sees the verbal time of new) my judging side if revealing one more time! It wants to know? We need to give one is enough in the fear! Fear is an illusion, a cancer. We need to face the fear and to eliminate the limitante belief of the type ‘ ‘ the others, what they go to think? ‘ ‘. Practical result? decision to create roots to deepen and me this world of the MMN.

Therefore, from this experience, my recommendation you: it is faces its limitantes fears and its beliefs. We win our fears facing them. It will be that you have had fear of if going deep the industry of the MMN? E, to finish, is other questions: you have fear of the judgment of the others? more: you have judged the others? One remembers of that you will be measured by the ruler that to use to measure the others. He thinks about this. I hug, happiness and success for you!


Professional Performance

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Motivation: a simple tool to improve the individual performance of groups and Landmarks Magnum Bueno (Educational Institute of I castrate & ndash; INEC) Summary: This material has as objective to demonstrate to the necessity of the application of a motivacional model in a corporation for the improvement of the work conditions aiming at advantages for the group and the individual in inserted it. The objective of this work is not to point a tool as reference with respect to the application of the motivation and yes to demonstrate some of the existing tools without detaching any preference for some theory mentioned here, being able itself to more observe that they exist you vary distinct theories, some with ampler vision and other gone deep. The motivation this gift in each person being able to disclose itself in different ways in accordance with the individual wills and ambitions, but knowing as to influence these wills the company will be able to improve its environment and to reach its goals. In this work also she will be displayed that an accurate theory does not exist to be followed, plus many motivacionais theories in which some must be incased perfectly with the problems perceived for the company. Words key: motivacionais theories, motivacional model, motivation Abstract: Material This aims you demonstrate the necessity of implementing the motivational model of the corporation will be the improvement of working conditions in to order you benefit the group and the individual entered into it. The aim of this work is not tool a reference point will be the implementation of motivation, but you demonstrate adds of the existing tools without highlighting any preference will be any theory mentioned here, can be observed that there ploughs several different theories, adds with to broader view and to other depth. The motivation is present in each person may respond in different ways according you individual desires and ambitions, plus knowing how you influence those wants the company can improve its environment and achieve to their goals.