
Christine Buske

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If you do not want them to be part of it, then why bother to date them? Instead of just watching sports on TV and have an annoying girlfriend was taking her to a real game. She is much more likely to have fun with you see you have fun on your own! Girls can get their couch potato moving by taking them to the gym. This goes for all interests, try to share everything, but do not force someone if you really do not like what they see. Taking a guy to a club point there can be only one thing to do! If you get desperate sit down with the other person and brainstorm about what you like, if something brought you together means that you must have something in common from which you can find things to enjoy together. It is important not to force the interests of a person if you decide not to try and really like it, it’s so important to share things in a relationship to an independent life on the side.

This is what will give you something to talk about on your date! If you stop seeing your friends, stop diving because your partner is afraid of water and stop doing things that you like, you can end up in a boring relationship with silences on both ends of the table. This is the beginning of the end, and before you know it you’re in the dating scene again starting the whole process. So finding a balance between shared interests and things to do alone at the beginning is very important. Note however that the pooling of all interests are not doomed to failure, even if both are excited about golf, you can still go and play only with friends. So do not be too paranoid about finding a balance “interests” and not whether to continue dating the person try to achieve a balance in the relationship. The key is to leave the house and restaurant. The movies also do not count as a real date “because it does not really interact with the person. You might have seen the movie only holding a large pillow and would have little difference. The dates do you interact with the other person and share both their interests not only teach you more about them, but also showing how they are really compatible. Needless to say this avoids great boredom later down the road!


Repair Bicycle

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Repair a bicycle. Modern bikes are quite reliable. You only have to monitor its technical condition, regularly greased. And to change the chain, cassette and chainring, which wear out. The frequency of replacement depends on the class of hitch is used on your bike and your riding style, but usually they do not have enough for one thousand kilometers. Repair a bicycle – no easy matter. Although not for everyone.

Some spend days and even nights may be happy to repair bicycles. How, for example, some masters of the bicycle shop I think you should not talk about all the wisdoms configuration switching speeds: it is easier to go to a specialist workshop, which is every self-respecting store. But there are subtleties that just can not know the rider: pull the brake to straighten 'eight', seal the wheel I note that the repair is needed universal key, which can be bought in almost every bicycle shop for about 250-300 rubles. So, in order: How to tighten the brake. At the bottom of the brake handle is curly nut, and on her wheel. In order to make the brake more elastic, it is necessary to unscrew the nut and lock a wheel, which is on it. To weaken to do this same operation, only in reverse.

But it is at an early stage. If the twist is nowhere, then find the brake pads (y wheel rim), there is mounting cable. And weaken the nut. After loosening the pull on the cable itself and tighten the screw.


El Dorado

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He is considered the color of perfection. White means safety, purity and cleanliness. Unlike the black, white usually has a positive connotation. It may represent a successful beginning. Silver: It is a sign of purity, integrity, obedience, firmness, vigilance, eloquence and maturity in heraldry, white represents faith and purity.

Indirect association, angels are often represented as images dressed in white robes. Yellow: The yellow symbolizes the sun. It represents joy, happiness, intelligence and energy. Yellow suggests the effect of warm, causes joy, stimulates mental activity and generates muscle energy. It is often associated with food. In heraldry, yellow represents honor and loyalty.

In recent times the yellow is also associated with cowardice. The yellow represents intelligence, originality and joy. Orange: Orange combines the energy of red with the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine and the tropics. Represents enthusiasm, happiness, attractiveness, creativity, determination, success, courage and encouragement. It is a very hot color, so it creates a feeling of heat. However, the orange color is not aggressive as red. The orange color vision occurs feeling more oxygen to the brain, producing an energizing effect and stimulate mental activity. In heraldry, orange represents the strength and endurance. Orange combines the energy of red with the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine and the tropics. The reddish orange evokes desire, sexual passion, pleasure, dominance, desire for action and aggression El Dorado creates a feeling of prestige. The gold means wisdom, clarity of ideas, and wealth. Often represents high-quality gold.


Earth Life

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What is studying biology. You are beginning to study the basic biology (from the Greek words "bios" – the life and "logos" – the doctrine). Biology – the science of life, of living organisms that inhabit the Earth. Living organisms on our planet is very varied. That – and the people and animals, and plants, fungi and bacteria.

Scientists there are more than 3.5 million species of living organisms. They live on land, water, air. Scope of life is a special shell of the Earth – the biosphere (from the Greek words "bios" and "sphere" – a ball). The biosphere includes the lower atmosphere, water bodies, soil, the upper layer of the lithosphere. Biosphere area of distribution of life Biology studies the structure and vitality living organisms, their diversity, the laws of historical and individual development. All living organisms are closely related to each other and with the habitat. Living organisms affect the environment, and their existence depends on conditions of this environment. Section of Biology, who studies the relationship of organisms among themselves and with their environment is called ecology (from the Greek word oikos – a house, apartment, home – and "logos").


Vector Time

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Let us recall the most basic concepts of speed, which teach in school, namely that speed – is a vector quantity. Those who remember that this vector is well known that the vector has a direction, moreover, the vector may not always be unidirectional. If time is inextricably linked with the speed that time – it's too vector quantity. And this is, in turn, suggests that it is tied to the direction of the velocity vector, that time can not be unidirectional, and this is quite easy to verify in practice. Take, for example, any movie. Until then, until we begin to view it, it does not speed, and hence the time it stopped. One may recall that a similar, we have already encountered when in the article "Speed" crossed the border the speed of light: no moving object in the form of material particles, so the movement of time is also absent. Including film, we turn and his time, and we can even adjust the speed of time.

And if we can turn in a movie clock? Without problems, but under one condition: we should have a movie player, remote control, so – and time. Without it, the movie with a given rate will move in one direction only. Does this example of an analogy with human life? Yes, the most direct. We move through life movie called "Destiny" in one direction and the one given velocity. Can a person change the speed and direction? Of course, can – this is the so-called time machine.


Flying Stunts and Aerobatics

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Anyone who has ever been to an air show knows the mesmerizing effect aerobatics can have on an audience. It is always a thrill just to see a jet plane flying at enormously fast speeds, but to see such planes fly in tight formations, or in crazy patterns, or upside down, or straight down and then suddenly pull up at what seems like the last possible moment before crashing into the ground, makes for an exciting experience indeed.

There are five maneuvers which compose the foundation of aerobatic stunts. Those are horizontal and vertical lines; loops; rolls; spins; and hammerheads. Some of the types of tricks which can be done by combining these maneuvers are called the Cuban Eight; Half Cuban Eight; Reverse Half Cuban Eight; Chandelle;  the Stall Turn, or Hammerhead; Immelmann which is also called the ‘roll-off-the-top, or the split five.

One maneuver that is a real crowd pleaser is called Pugachev’s Cobra. In this stunt the airplane’s nose is suddenly pulled up. The plane then pitches up to about a 90-120 degree angle of attack. After that the nose falls back down to the horizontal, and the plane flies away in the direction it was first heading.