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It would seem – it's simple. One room – parents, the second – to the child. But, where just in words – not just in practice. In fact: my father's office needs to work, and my mother wants to somewhere to receive guests. And even most likely, all reduced to the kitchen: and eating, and the pope with a notebook and a meeting with friends (even if the kitchen 5.5 square meters). But in our hands is a wonderful tool, as a modular furniture! And in the bedroom there will be 1-2 combined cabinet, bed, 1-2, bedside tables, dresser, desk (computer) table with extension (or not), maybe even a rack for storage of relevant literature and documentation, or stand for office equipment (Here, that will allow the area and dimensions of items favored by the modular system). And, mind you, all – in the same style, same color and with the same accessories. A child can be in this case, allocate a large room combining it in child and living room.

In addressing this issue will help us combined cupboards, cabinets RTV, dressers, display cases, which can place in itself, as the dishes, and books written (computer) desk original shelving systems, shelving and cabinets. Will only need to not be lazy and how to 'take your measurements' with these rooms, as well as the need to take into account all the dimensions arranged the furniture. Also, using modular Furniture can be successfully beat a vague on purpose, but sometimes very good for the area the room, as the hall. For example, two windows and is located between them, a chest of drawers will provide a good prelude to the living room. Or few windows, perhaps even combined with the shelving, the library will solve the problem in the house. Kitchen seemingly no place to put the other furniture, except as directly kitchen.

But even here, picking up on color and style to the basic furniture, chest of drawers can accommodate bar or buffet with drawers showcase-extension or storage rack in the preservation of beautiful jars. What can I say! .. Cause a variety of examples is endless, as Using the experience of fantasy buyers, and your own. What is more important! It is important to draw your attention to what opportunities will open before you when you discover this wonderful world of modular furniture!


Supreme Court

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True, the award (except for non-pecuniary damage) will keep the income tax. At the same time, employers have to pay more and the unified social tax on all "forgotten" salaries. Total average earnings UST + (26% of average earnings) + interest. And if all that is at once a few months? And a few thousand rubles for moral damages in the appendage. However, not all agree to go back and work with the offender. Not all wait a Sea weather – live like a must, and so arranged at times to much less paid work – but to get. In this case, does not necessarily require actual reinstatement, and the court simply will charge for the benefit of the employee wages at the time of enforced idleness.

The date of dismissal in this case will be considered day-judgment. The same date ends with a period of enforced idleness, and recovery of wages also performed up to and including the date of the court's decision. According to the latest edition Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court from 17.03.2004 2, when determining the payment of time forced truancy average earnings, recoverable in favor of the employee during this time, is not subject to reduction in the amount of wages received from another employer, temporary disability and unemployment, which he received during the period of enforced idleness. So that the employee may work in another place and get there wages, and after a positive decision of the court and in addition get a salary from his former employer. And no one subtract! The decision to reinstate illegally dismissed employee or to reinstate the previous work of the employee, illegally transferred to another job, subject to immediate execution (Art. 396 of LC RF). If employer fails to comply with a court decision, the period of forced absence is prolonged until runtime.

That is, the longer the employer pulls the payment, the more pay in the end. So before you dismiss unwanted employee, the employer is to think about: not whether he will address a statement to the court, which could lead to significant financial losses for the company? And the losses will be much more serious than the "compensation" paid to the employee or quality legal advice. And the enforced absence would have to pay all at once. And virtually no staff member! Miser pays twice … Maksim Goryachev


Tips To Repair The Floor And Ceiling

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Repair ceiling and floor – this is a very difficult job to cope with that very difficult. How to lay flooring how to clean carpet, how to hang ceiling wallpaper? These and other questions on the repair of your home we will respond to this article. Let us briefly on the floor. Concrete floors are often used as a basis for a variety of floor coverings: plastic, roll, tile, etc. Self-leveling floors – it's seamless construction which is a polymer layer, which is filled with a concrete base floor. In the first place, the device floors of concrete involves the following activities – leveling the base and its preparation.

Pouring a concrete floor performed after installed decking, laid plastic sheeting and accessories. The choice of concrete produced, depending on the type of concreted structures, methods of transporting and laying of concrete. For floor covering flooring is widely used. The choice of flooring in the stores is very high. He usually has a thickness of 15-22 mm. Parquet 22 mm.

more durable and strong. When choosing a hardwood floor should be considered important characteristics of the coating such as: the level of absorption, the presence of bacteriostatic properties, resistance to corrosion. There are three basic ways of laying parquet: 1. The traditional Christmas tree. 2. Vietnamese – interweaving longitudinal and lateral plates. 3. Deck – plates are stacked in the longitudinal direction. Parquet – time-consuming work that requires a lot of time, have a good knowledge and skills. Parquet is laid on a concrete screed, it should be smooth and dry. Now some tips for repairing floors: to extend the life of the parquet floors to scrub them 1 time in 2 months of water pastes. Hardwood floors, laid on bituminous mastics, you can not rub turpentine pastes, as turpentine dissolves bitumen and paint the floor in the dark. If you want to replace the flooring, you can lay on the wooden floor of home linoleum.


Glue Floor

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Try to leave minimal gaps, because the better the tiles adjacent to the nearest surface, the stronger finish. Most often, first veneer floors, and then the walls, but it happens and vice versa. In the first case in wall covering tiles directly pressed to the floor tiles. In the second version of the bottom row of tiles bonded at some distance from the floor, so that could then put a layer of cement glue and floor plitku.Dlya such purposes, I usually They are used metallic profiles, which are bolted to the wall, exposing the horizontal level, and snow was beginning to stowage In I recommend paving mix items from several boxes. Laying start from the bottom.

The wall surface coat from the bottom up horizontal rows. Between the tiles retain a place in the seam. Gentle pressure tile adhesive on the base, tightly pressed to the surface of the tile. You can slightly move the tiles on the wall until the glue is not dried up, in order to bring them closer to or farther from each other. After laying the tiles and hand presses remove excess mortar until it is uniform seams zatverdel.Dlya use krestiki.Obychno joints have a width of 1.5 – 3 mm, and ceramic tiles in large sizes – 5 mm.

It depends on your desires, as well as the conditions for further Operating veneered surfaces: the higher the temperature difference, the higher the load on the surface (the floor, the pedestrian zone, the steps:) – the greater the width of the seams is recommended. The most important thing in the tiling-compliance level, as vertical and gorizontalnogo.Maleyshy failure can undermine all the work there. Here are some more, I think the important points: – If you are using in remote crosses, try to retrieve them after fixing adhesive, but until it is completely dry. Both figures, as a rule, manufacturers of glue on the package indicates, since time is highly individual and depends on the composition of the adhesive.


Ceiling Painting

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Tinting ceiling of plasterboard to be benign only after all preliminary matters. Ceiling would not be painted oil painting substance. For tinting ceilings of plasterboard most the best way to remain enamel, alkyd enamel. Waterborne or water-based dye qualitative settles on the ceiling. Know that if you think optically enlarge a new room, then you better just apply the paint dull. Today there are so many of the most ranyh tones of paint. Water based and water-dispersion paints differ from each other so that the emulsion water-based paint can rinsed. The superiority of the dispersion of water-based paints is that waterborne paint can not be washed off with water.

In addition, the latex paint can be any shade, in contrast to waterborne paint, which is often only in white. Water dispersion paints have a whole range of advantages over water-based paints. Dispersive water-based paints are durable in operation, is also as acrylic enamel. Ceilings painted with waterborne paints can be washed up to two thousand times. If you often smoke in the room, then this paint for the ceiling will be the good solution, because this dye does not change its original color and does not yellow. Outside of the paint can be placed on the ceilings of gypsum board in 2 layers. If you use the Russian waterborne paint, the paint should be applied once in 3 layers. Choose to paint particular roller.

In foreign countries for painting ceilings is now very widely used variety of finishes: these enamels often paint the apartment, car. In our country, the enamel is used in rare cases, the only reason is that the enamel is two times more expensive than water-based paints. Enamel paint is beautiful and because the enamel has a true white. In addition, the enamel dries quickly and is resistant to moisture. Everything materials produced in Europe, followed. Shelf life of enamel paint American suppliers do not set – think that such paints are durable enough. At the national colors of the expiration date indicated. But experts explain that a little "overdue" paint totally usable, most importantly – carefully sboltat paint, and then you can start painting the ceiling. We can safely conclude that the repair of houses inexpensive type of recovery is whitewashing the ceiling of ceilings. For this type of work suited all kinds of ceilings as plaster or paint the ceiling does not require secondary processing ceilings. When working with ceilings, we chose painting the ceiling and did not regret!


Building Mixes Material

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Let's first take a look at what the dry mix, and what they are. So, the mortar is dry component material used for various types of construction and repair work. Ready for of material obtained by mixing powdered formula with water in the necessary proportions. Appointment of dry building mixes different. The basis of most mixtures is either sand or cement, or building plaster. But their final list of selected clearly for specific purposes and is a proprietary recipe of each manufacturer, ensuring maximum results. Depending on the application and the desired result in a mixture of various components are added, giving her strength, relief, grit, gloss on the finished surface, etc.

The main varieties of dry mixes are characterized by their target purpose: – to strengthen the weak bases – for sealing joints and seams – for waterproof surface – decorative paint (for facade work) – putty mixtures (for repairs) – peskobetonnye masonry mixture. Thus, the modern dry mix can be used on virtually all phases of construction, from foundation work to decorate the interior. A, respectively, without them can not do any professional builders, nor the ordinary enthusiasts, making repairs in his apartment, house or cottage. Working with this material requires certain skills, and perhaps just a newbie will not be able to achieve the desired result, but you always help to manufacturers' recommendations on the use of a particular type of construction of the mixture. And the use of its clear purpose to provide a much longer maintain the specified properties of the surface prepared with the mixture and, therefore, disappear in need frequent repairs, which will save you money. The main thing to imagine clearly the desired result and avoid mistakes in the choice of quality material.


State Fire Service Emergency Situations Ministry

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December 1-2, 2009 in St. Petersburg hosted a two-day seminar on “University Library in the electronic environment of knowledge management”, prepared by the Foundation for Support of Education and by “Alley of Software,” with the active participation University of St. Petersburg State Fire Service Emergency Situations Ministry. The central theme of digital libraries have become, their creation, development and support. Among the seminar participants – representatives of more than 40 libraries and Universities from all over Russia. Opened the seminar reports on his Presidential Library. BN Yeltsin, recently opened, but already had time to become the most famous electronic library of Russia. The process of creation, advantages and opportunity to tell the Deputy Director of Information Resources Zhabko Yelena.

The main feature of pride and the library is a multimedia hall, struck his audience technical equipment – video and photo materials about him in his speech showed Mikhail Eydemiller, head of design department of company “Viking” is implementing a project to design and implement hall. A wide range of technology issues highlighted by representatives of “Alley of Software” and the Foundation for Support of Education – from current trends to Library 2.0 library scanning of the array, the choice of hardware and software. Of particular interest among the audience called the most “painful” and widely debated issue really Library: how to give readers the necessary information, not breaking this copyright infringement? On the legal and ethical aspects in its report, “Copyright: break nelya, observe!” Said Deputy Director of the Fundamental Library of the Russian State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg Natela Nodarevna Kvelidze-Kuznetsova. Practical aspects of the creation of such complex information systems as digital libraries told representatives of the University of the State Fire Service Emergency Situations Ministry, TSGDB them.


GCoderu Technology

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Metal Machine This machine is designed for machining in order to form a given surface by removing material or by plastic deformation. Processing is performed mainly by cutting blade or abrasive tool. Machines are also used to smooth out the surface details for obkatyvaniya surface rollers. Metalworking machines perform cutting non-metallic materials such as wood, phenolic, nylon and other plastics. Special machines are treated as ceramics, glass and other materials.

Metal-working machines are classified according to various criteria, in Depending on the type of process used cutting tools and packaging. All commercially available machines are divided into nine groups, each group includes nine types. Machines of the same type may differ layout (eg, universal milling machines, horizontal, vertical), kinematics, ie a set of links that transmit motion, structure, governance, size, accuracy of processing and other Standards identified the key dimensions that characterize each type of machine. For lathes and circular machines, it is the largest diameter of the workpiece for milling machines – length and width of the table, on which set piece or equipment for cross-planer – the greatest stroke of the slide with the tool. Group of similar machines that have a similar layout, design and kinematics, but have different basic sizes, of size range. Thus, the standard for general-purpose gear hobbing machines provided with a diameter of 12 sizes of installed products from 80 mm to 12.5 m. The design of each size machine, designed for the given processing conditions, is called a model. Each model is assigned a code number – the number that consists of several letters and numbers.


Technology Drywall

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Be careful when marking, to coincide with the holes in the concrete wall should be as accurate as possible. Apply glue on a sheet of drywall with a notched trowel. Of Technology, recommended to be on the perimeter, plus one – two lanes in the middle. But best of all leaf so will have more opportunities to balance it. Set the sheet to the wall on a lining (a couple of pieces of drywall the same should be fine), pull the wire ends through the holes. Do not press down list directly to the wall, first straighten. Drywall must align with the rules, applying it to the list, and where you can see that the plaster sticks – press down harder, and so on throughout the list.

Similarly, all other sheets kleite. When the glue hardens, the lining must be removed. How to handle drywall I have already described in the beginning of this section, no differences in general, no, except that the bevel to remove is not necessary, because the horizontal joints with a liner there, and on Vertical already have factory-thinning, it is enough. So go to the next method. Method of cladding number two. If the wall is less than equal, for example, not concrete, and brick, you have to align it with using a thicker layer of glue. In preparing the walls significantly different from the above methods do not, just under the wire to Stroebe, drilled under the sockets and switches, and naturally primed. But the glue on sheetrock should be applied, first, the other (as a rule – "Perlfiks"), and secondly, by other means.


Ivan Pavlov

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Jaime Parejo dissected from the beginning, all existing training systems and involvement of search dogs (French, German, Swiss, American …), noting that basically limited to the simple application of operant conditioning (discovered by Frederic Skinner, based on that conduct positively reinforced tend to be repeated), classical conditioning discovered by Ivan Pavlov, shaping by successive approximations and introducing a greater or lesser extent, during the canine search behavior of certain directional commands. While it is true that these types of basic principles and processes of learning (the most simple associative learning mechanisms) are fundamental and essential logically for any type of search dog training, Jaime Parejo, verified repeatedly that were totally inadequate (even in those cases which were complemented with applications basically called canine cognitive training) for the proper and necessary operationally achieve high and especially canine cash exemplary performance in many types of search operations. Motivated by a strong parallel in humanitarian and also using its special drive and innate capacity for observation, analysis, hypothesis generation productive … about animal behavior, for twelve years would face an arduous and intense study and research work, strictly faithful to the general protocol of rigorous scientific research (focusing first on the behavior of the canine species in general and later in favor of fostering, the maximum possible degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the search dog in different situations). An important challenge finally offered as a result, Jaime Parejo, achieving its intended and difficult objectives, in October 1994 with the creation of so-called, Chest behavioral techniques associated with the respective educational process and even intervention operations, the method Chest (which named it one of their canine companions).