
Virtual Assistant

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Anyone working autonomously, either an entrepreneur or a self-employed, do so at a basic choice: devote himself to what he likes or is their specialization. This does not involve having to answer the phone, answer dozens of emails, deal with the general organization of your Office, take your agenda, organize your meetings or travel, do searches on the Internet. Time is very valuable, since we can not retrieve it, is inexorably going and will be part of our past. That is why it is crucial that we learn to take full advantage of the time we have available, and considering that we tend dedicate most of our time in our professional activity, it is essential that we learn to maximize our well more valuable. You wonder: how?Very simple: delegating! Some people tend to think that their professional or personal value is measured with the amount of things that can be done, but forget that we can do everything, you have to prioritize and begin to basically engage in tasks that belong to three areas: the things that we like to do things for which we are specialized things that bring us benefits (economic, personal, psycho-physical well-being, etc.) Whatever your activity or business, delegating to a virtual Assistant you can optimize your time and take care of those three areas that are only yours. Maybe you think that you don’t know how and what delegate. We started by some of the main features needed to be able to delegate: have confidence.

Obviously, without a minimum of trust in the other person, his personal qualities and professional delegate becomes impossible: it would be a nightmare, because you see wanting to control too much of the work of the other person, which would probably occupy much more time in control, annulling the same benefits of the delegate. Recognize priorities. Gain confidence is a process that takes time.


Enterprise Gateway

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It has well-designed processes that allow you to respond immediately to the highly competitive environment. 3. It makes radical innovation of the strategic processes of the organization. 4. Search for high impact results.

5. Design new processes and changes runs it in their complex technological, human and organizational dimensions. It provides business management revolution, since managers have considered it as a viable alternative to cause major changes in organizations, which contribute to grow and give immediate response to sudden changes in environment, to be competitive and at the forefront; always satisfying the needs and expectations of customers. Do now, how all this favours quality and productivity? In this regard, indicates Ruiz in his analysis, whereas the before exposed, reengineering considerably supports the quality management and productivity since according to the Enterprise Gateway (1992 and 1994), the implementation of reengineering in organizations serves to achieve strategic, as well as being competitive goals, increase profitability and the participation in the market. Reengineering favors to the management of quality and productivity, since it directly affects on the complete redesign and innovation of new processes, for this is supported in redesign and automation with technology innovation that allows you to improve efficiency to generate products and services at a lower cost, saving all the resources inherent in the process, to reduce amount of wastegenerating products of good quality to the client and at the same time we are significantly improving productivity. Similarly if we manage to be productive with quality, we are improving our profitability as an organization; This last, is necessary to determining the generation of performance indicators that allow to measure our efforts, know how has been our evolution, compare ourselves and at the same time establish corporate goals. Not the slightest doubt, that reengineering guarantees great benefits to the company, especially the optimization of results giving way to get products profitable, satisfactory, besides that they are guaranteed for quality and benefits in the management of their costs in its applicability. * Aulavirtual Faces.



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In some of the best and most advanced companies of remote and virtual secretariat agenda management service is contemplated this kind of service can be used in different ways and adapted to the specific needs of the customer negocio-empresa. Let’s put a case of success of the management service appointments that we have observed in a remote company talk about medical appointments. In this company of the designed a service for those private queries that do not have one person constantly attending calls and managing appointments, with their last minute changes, resets planning for needs of medical equipment and numerous casuistic. This service offer a system by which attending calls reserves an appointment to a specific patient name, can even assign more or less time depending on different parameters, for example if it is a first visit is assigned an hour-long appointment or if, on the contrary, it is a revision or a delivery quotation results reduces to the half. In turn, this service offers the possibility of calling patients the day before your appointment to confirm attendance and it should remain a free gap, they seek to fill with another patient.

The information is recorded in a unique panel for each client and where you share a calendar which can be modified in real time and that your doctor, if you wish, can access and assign an appointment for some special patient or modify planning according to your criteria. Through this example of calendar management service manages to offer a cost savings to the doctor since you must not have a person in the query, day passes not queried. While offers to clients a personalized service. In addition, at the operational level is achieved Group a greater number of appointments for a day, so the doctor will have all the agenda organized and with the largest number of potential patients maximizing profitability. With this practical example we highlight as a calendar management service can help to the improvement of a business and also show you the range of functionality offered by current Secretariat services.


Virtual Classroom

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Promote understanding of the logistic function at all levels. 10 Promoting training and continuous development of professionals in related areas, through courses and seminars on topics such as: address logistics, logistics commercial integrated us adds the Yraseme Sanoja participant, that the role of market in relation to the logistics and distribution should be considering the: analysis of the general environment (legal, technological, social and economic) to perform a correct marketing study and analyze the reality that surrounds the company because before the changes in the environment, it is affected in the decisions to be taken. Analysis of the competition; to carry out this analysis must locate to competing undertakings; search for necessary information from each of them as share of market, price, suppliers, delivery of the product, location of its establishment, the technology applied, methods of advertising, among other aspects. In the same way buy the situation of competition with respect to the company. Strengths and weaknesses of the company, giving competitive advantages with respect to other companies in the sector health can be determined from the results of research and comparison. Is recommended for making rational flows of materials the following aspects should be taken into account: A complete coordination of the supply, production, sale and transport activities; for this need to apply the appropriate methods of planning and direction of these relationships among if. A complete analysis of flow oriented by provisioning, production, distribution, transport and consumption, associated with the formation of an efficient network of information techniques covering it as a whole.

Preparation and obtaining of the exact costs of handling, storage and transportation for the economic evaluation of the flow. Have availability of product and continuous transport. Quickly to respond to a request. Additional is necessary to emphasize that the cost of any product, increases to the extent that greater the transport component. The most important parameters of a transport stream are, among others, the direction, the volume and periodicity. * Annotations of the Forum of the Virtual Classroom of the Chair of marketing of the postgraduate of Faces.


Virtual Services Within The Office

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One of the most innovative creations in terms of the work has been the creation of virtual offices. Not only because it has allowed that we can all work from a place that we like, but because it has prompted many undecided young to be projected and open its long-awaited business plan. But also often happens, that due to all the crisis experienced globally, employers have been forced to dismiss people who once had a function determined within the company or business to which it belonged. Who plays that role now? In response to this question, rent virtual offices within a physical office or traditional is also an option that has begun to be taken more into account. Many professionals need to necessarily have a physical address or place where resort guests and can not afford the luxury of working from home. But with the dismissal of some of its employees must be aware of all tasks that were previously indifferent.

For that reason, and because the time not reached him in order to be at all the details, there is the possibility of renting virtual offices in order to cover these spaces. Virtual offices can be rented per hours, days, weeks, and while the person creates necessary. In addition, a package that has many more complexes that can be acquired once you need it with services that need it most, as for example, reception of calls, automatic answering and to services is paid. Replace employees with virtual services have employed to charge requires a large budget in addition to disadvantages. Since the payment of vacation, licenses, social laws and many other things more up to the risk that runs through faults of illness of a family member, etc. When one decides to rent virtual offices, can hire the service to cover the tasks before that employee had either add some who did not possess the company; and you will only use the physical Office for reception of clients, patients, or persons that creates important. The expenditure budget with respect to rent virtual offices and pay salaries and laws social employees, is much smaller. In addition to knowing that it will have service safely and without any unexpected problems.

Of course that is not easy to have to say goodbye to that has been trusted and people who have given us good results, but is also not another option than having to accommodate future crises and budgets you have. The rental of these offices may also be used when really you don’t want to completely dismissing any collaborator and propose him to work from his home to keep his income, but without perceiving all the other services that previously had. It is another option for the level of unemployment that exists today and a benefit for both. The modality of rent virtual offices has been taken from large enterprises, small businesses, unemployed people with any profession and new entrepreneurs as a way to translate their projects and skills at the same time provide an opportunity to generate money and grow even more. Assumes that the business of renting virtual offices will remain at foot While there are people with ideas, desire to make progress and a society that suits all the changes proposed by the economy. Their sustainability over time will depend on both the companies that provide the service, innovating and adding more benefits, those who hire and become more popular this form of offices. All new, has its benefits and its drawbacks, subject to be treated in another opportunity.


Virtual PBX

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Service virtual switchboard that more and more companies offer presents numerous advantages. The virtual switchboard is especially interesting for professionals, since to be able to have a virtual number with prefix 902, not only from a local number, gives a more professional image. In addition, customers can be upgraded to have virtual offices in other countries. It is a very handy service. It is not necessary to have a mobile staff and another for work, since all virtual numbers are associated with the same phone. In addition, thanks to a system of codes that the user can configure, you can know where come from calls (personal, work or other numbers). It is very safe.

Incoming calls to different numbers, can be restricted so that when someone call, skip the voice mailbox or signal that the line is busy. There is also a back-up manual or automatic system, so that calls can be redirected where they occur technical incidents. It is gained in privacy. Thanks to virtual numbers, when performing some type of transaction over the internet, you do without giving a personal phone number.



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8-9 Communication is the exchange of information, facts, ideas and meanings. It enters the components of a communication they are to the message, the communicator, the receiver, and the way. In the codification processes, decoding and feed-back are felt the influences of its components as: the urgency of the message, the experience and the ability of the sender, and the image that this has of the receiver. But, the biggest interference in the communication occurs on account of the noises of interpretation, capable to distort the message during the communicative process. (15) The types of communication more known and studied are the verbal communication and the not-verbal communication. However, another form of communication appears and dominates each time more the work environment: the virtual communication. The process of communication of the information, organized in informatizados systems and with diverse functions, guarantees that the people receive information with easinesses for send who them, since the used principle is of the inclusion of names in lists. These inclusions transform the lists into true social nets of information.

In this situation, the systems of information potencializam thinking, facilitate making and motivate communicating itself in the Nursing. The information systems can facilitate the exchange of information between the different organizacionais levels, also placing them in direct contact with the necessities of the clientele of Nursing. In the management, the comunicacional ability is essential, ' ' since to organize it is indispensable to communicate itself, in order to establish goals, to canalize energies and to identify and to solve problems; to learn to communicate itself with effectiveness is crucial to develop the efficiency of each unit of work and the organization as one todo' '. (15) The nurse has been responsible for the organization and the coordination of the assistenciais activities in the hospitals and for the viabilizao so that excessively professional of the team of nursing and others of the health team they act, as much in the hospital environment how much in the public health.


The Train

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Moreover, the train of the life if always puts into motion in direction to the current one, now, the immediate one. It is the time happening. This is the time that we have stops modifying in them, for surpasses, to evolve; if we do not make it, the problem will be alone ours and who will pay the price for the stubbornness, will be we ourselves. It gives attention! When connecting our psychological time to the past in the attempt to modify something that already happened, then imodificvel; we take off of us the possibility to use to advantage the new we lose and it forever, since the train of the life does not stop and nor of the march reverse speed. Care! To if arresting in the passed time, we start to manage our life in function of this time and as the real time does not stop, the time of real life that we will go to leave of living will be directly proportional to the psychological time or virtual prisoner to the past.

Therefore, if to be imprisoned years to our psychological time past, trying to fix it or to give new a meaning to it; this attitude, in relation to the train of the life, will mean that years of our life had been transferred that we nor if want we take knowledge. Beyond not adjusting this past we lose years of our gift. Alert! As we only have to be able on our time psychological, for some people it is more easy to cultuar the last time of what to live the present time. They use the reason to justify attitudes, behaviors, thoughts irrationals. the past such which a vampire drinks our gift. To reflect: To live the life alone with the eyes in the past, means that we are motionless in relation to the psychological time, but in relation to the time of the train of the life, not.



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Say, this does not happen? More as it happens! According to Alex himself, if a person knows his purpose in life, he will achieve great results. – I feel like a happy person and happy with everything that happens in my life, – says Alexei. – I have a favorite work, which brings satisfaction, there are relatives and friends of people who have friends. But in life so much more to do to feel absolutely happy about basketball did it all start? Since childhood. I grew up in athletic family: her parents and sister were engaged in professional volleyball, and I always enjoy stayed with them. It is the family influenced my choice. I think that family can be proud that influenced what I professional sports. Why basketball? I'm in class was the highest.

And when the school came to the coach, then, of course, invited me to join the basketball section. And I'm 11 years old started training in Krasnodar sports school. I liked the workout, he learned a good move on the court, seriously interested in basketball, and absolutely no regrets about this: I have many plans, and progress does not stop going. I just do not see myself without sports, and can not imagine what would others could do in this life. The success of professional sports should carry with it the moral satisfaction, and financial. I believe that doing favorite thing. But the path to sporting success lies first and foremost through the daily work, serious physical exertion, is not excluded, and trauma.



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The Desconstruo of the modern citizen Inaugurador of a new was Metaphysical, the philosopher in the truth advanced more, helping to convert this idea into principle of moral behavior that, today, is desired to reduce to the technological injunction, when claiming, has one hundred years more than, that, ' ' although it is a necessary start, it is not only enough to be to be an only man: this would be to exortar to restrict you it you. We must pass of a diverse individuality to others and to live deeply the existence of a multitude of beings! ' ' (VP 1935, P. 389). The convergence of this idea with some teses of the main theoreticians of the cibercultura is notable, given that, according to same we recentssimos, them progressos technological verified with the appearance of the generating machines of virtual reality (simulation) and the telemticas nets of interaction try the creation of a responsible culture for the erosion of the modern subjectivity. ' ' In this scope the old dualismos and the safe borders that characterized ideologically our cultural tradition is ranks in check. Radical separations as I-other, body-mind, creator-creature, truth-illusion, Real-unreal, among others – they are not more so clear and operational in the world of the relation man-mquina.' ' For the spokesmen of the thesis, the communication technologies would be, really and in special, promoting a multiplication of contacts knowledge whose resulted main, socially speaking, it is the gradual change in the effective conceptions on as if structure and functions ours I. The development of mechanisms of virtual interaction would be exceeding the opposition between sender and receiver, making us using interagentes of open nets and without center, in which ' ' the unstabler, multiple citizens if become each time and difusos' '. Through the machine, we start to live situations where not only cited I became multiple, fluid and opened but, moreover, he is having a rupture of the beginning of identity.