
Laying On The Tray Networks

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This type of installation provides good cooling conditions of the wires (cables), and the possibility of replacing them free access to them during the operation. Trays wirings produce sections of 2 m in length: the weld – a width of 200 and 400 mm, perforated – 50 and 100 mm. Trays mounted on at least 2 m above the ground or grounds maintenance; in areas served by specially trained personnel, the height of the trays and baskets not specified. Metal trays NL (Fig. 1) mounted on modular cable designs, the elements of building and technological structures, brackets and hangers. Step of fixing the cables – 250 mm. All connections for the installation and repair perform threaded clamping pieces of the process map. For reliable electrical contact at the joints straight painted tray flanges must be galvanized.

Electrical contact support elements with straight-colored bins provided by lock washers or cleaning up the site of contact. Operations wiring is in the trays in a specific technology sequence. First, a cord mark out the route in compliance with the mounting of the support and the support structures and points of attachment to the building elements of the building. The distance between fixing points Trays shall be equal to 2-2.5. Then, install or support structures are hung on brackets or consoles, perforated strips and profiles, fixing them or spacer plugs were shot. Supporting structures welded to the embedded parts of metal structures and buildings, or suspended in the spans of shops for carrying cables and cable hangers guys.

When crossing the tray with the distance from the pipeline before the pipeline supporting structure must be at least 50, with a parallel pursuit – not less than 100 mm for pipes with hot liquids or gases, respectively, at least 100 and 250 mm. After these operations of individual sections of the trays are collected in blocks 6-12 m, connecting them with strips of bolts. When laying boxes for cable suspension provide a bias towards the descent to the power consumers. Next, prepare a dimensional piece of wire in the ground and their connections at the ends removed isolation prozvanivatsya, twisted veins that produce the correct connections in the right places or squeezing a box set, harvested in bunches, bandazhiruyut, label tags. The number of wires in the bundle must not exceed 12 outer diameter of the beam – 0.1 m. The distance between the bandages on the horizontal beams of 4.5, the vertical – no more than 1 m.


Choosing Soft Furniture

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Upholstered furniture – a special category, it performs several functions in our interior. It you and a pleasant stay, and reception, she also decorates, and forms a space, and has practical application. In general, soft furniture and irreplaceable importance. So what should you choose it is not spontaneous, but carefully. At some moments I look for? Style Here the main criteria of choice – your choice and compatibility with the overall style of the room.

Upholstered furniture classic form suitable for conservative personalities, and it always will be relevant. The modern style is changeable and offers a wider choice. If the taste asymmetry, a combination of wood and metal interior is juicy – you follower of Art Nouveau. Style "high-tech" demonstrates the functionality, using the most modern materials. Eclecticism – a "cocktail" of different styles. Those color or other colors can give the feel or comfort discomfort, and their impact on our health is proven. When choosing colors for items of upholstered furniture (whether sofas, chairs or anything else) certainly guided by personal feelings and do not forget about the fact that: Brown gamma, Ochre creates comfort and gives peace.

Shades of blue and blue to help focus. Red and all its tones and semitones symbolize active and dynamic. All shades of green to help relax. The black color and serious business, but its dominance in the interior creates an atmosphere of mourning. White lightness and freshness, but it is also necessary to avoid excess, at least for reasons of "practicality." Upholstery Upholstery vary enormously. It is necessary to give priority to the quality (strength, durability, practicality). The naturalness of the material – not always a sign of long life. Modern synthetics it is more practical, but also, and beautiful. For example, the Jacquard – bright and durable material with a pattern, a low price. Or flock – a dense fabric that is easy to clean, almost immune to wear and which does not stick dust (an ottoman upholstered in flock, very practical). Also popular velvet and Chenille. Filling the "filling" of upholstered furniture – a very important indicator of quality, and also one of the prime factors of comfort. The most common foam and padding polyester. However, better quality can truly be considered natural feathers, feather, batting and felt. The mechanism is no less important component of quality for certain types of upholstered furniture (sofas, chairs, beds) – it mechanism of transformation. At first, decide – what will be the main purpose for this furniture, and how often you use it to sleep. Then, choosing one or another model, note how easy sofa disassembled Do not jammed mechanism. You can sit on it – you should be comfortable and convenient for him. In general, the basic mechanisms of transformation of 4 – this book, evroknizhka, roll-out and exit mechanisms. Suppose that you choose upholstered furniture complement your interior will be high quality and beautiful!


Centers Grow

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According to a note published in the newspaper the Day of the city of the Silver of Nicholas Maldonado, the centers of students happened to be 670 of the 57 who registered the past year. And it is the good news. An active participation of the centers of students in the decision making of the schools is necessary, in as much and as soon as this is not a machine to prevent the normal operation of the same. Memory in my adolescence that the centers worried and worked after a better school taking care of the particular and general needs of the students. In all aspects. Some had an in favor political tendency and another no, which invalidates neither to nor to others in its development. The subject was to maintain a clear space for the students who needed the center within the school and not to turn aside the attention in political meramentes questions, turning to the same into a unit that took care of certain reclamations in exchange for ” prestaciones”.

These spaces are generating of ideas that improve the internal life of the student in their school and circumstances, to take care of needs of same society where the school is immersed. To take brings back to consciousness of that we lived with other equals is a good principle of solidarity and knowing it clearly in the adolescence is still the good news. The participation in the centers is essential to as much give accounts us that we have right and obligations, as active students and citizens at the time. The subject is not to forget to us the context and to accompany from the adults, the initiatives of the minors and all their potential, within educative and the social thing. Is important center of students that tries to solve a subject of stoves in winter, like thus also finding an answer to the student who suffers personal or familiar problems, this jeopardizes to the students and the majors – referring of the school to assume that it enters all we can help us and that the other people’s pain also is ours, without this conception we will not manage to revert the present that is called on to us to live.

We must like parents support these spaces and put us to the service of our children, knowing of its activities and desires to do in the centers of students. A challenge is everything, of the students and ours. There is all a history of the centers, I hope that we pruned to have it in account and to optimize present with those learnings of the years 70″. To capitalize the experience would be the best thing than it can happen to us we will be able to carry out, it? We must try it, and to grow in the hope, we cannot fail to take advantage of the opportunity to do a little better every day to us.


Workshop Layout Architecture And Interior Design

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Fundamentals of modeling and how to work with the customer. Manufacturing maketovstroeny or even entire regions – rather subtle craft that is not without pitfalls that plague any profession. Where start and what should be done that would have to learn from the mistakes of others and guided by the voice of reason, rather than stepping on rakes, which are experienced professionals mock-up of the case have long learned to cross. Let's start with the basic concepts which will help to understand this is voprose.Chto layout? Reduced copy of the layout of the structure, which is produced by using different materials, from paper to a completely high-tech production, the use of steel and glass. So what should the production of models and whether you want to do? Imagine a situation where a person comes to you and asked to draft a home, you are welcome for the order and after some time you are ready, that would give the project into the hands of the customer, but there is one small but very slippery moment.

You then imagine it would look like a house, and the customer – no. He can only dream, as he did not feel proportions. It is in this case, the case and accepted experts in the production models. Given all the wishes of the client, a specialist model workshop can prepare the necessary project taking into account all the preferences. Complex projects include the development of even the interiors of the room, which is an aerobatics in this case.


Hot Springs Dsfruntando Trench Valencia, Venezuela

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Unfortunately, the Venezuelan tourism management leaves much to be said, has taken very seriously what tourism is and can generate for the benefit of its economy, development of their cities, knowing enjoy the natural beauty with which mind and which significantly has been neglected, not only to be enjoyed by foreign tourists who come to the country, but by the nationals themselves. In any case it is the subject of another analysis, why the absence of culture tourism and business shortsighted and development of the national authorities. a This time we bring the interesting thing is knowing how to enjoy one of the best hot springs in the world, the second, like that of the trenches. As Martin says Amado Martinez, provided the traveler signs the location of the town center named Trinchera, characterized by the presence of numerous resorts in which the primary offering is based on the possibility of using its famous waters, which are attributed different properties healing. In this regard it is worth noting that the experts say, in terms of the aforementioned waters, due to its composition can be considered as the second of its kind worldwide, which explains the high number of visitors, from both the various regions of our country and elsewhere, His accesesibility is easy, parking is always available, in addition rooms for those who want to spend a few days there nestled between mountains. .


Fragrant Cedars

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A British scientist believes that this republic existed 10,000 years ago. RA: I've heard, many of these hypotheses. Refute or confirm their work and not rewarding besmyslennoe. I will only come from the fact that I know for sure. If we continue the theme Aratta, we find the answer to your question about the forefather of the Armenians. Please note that the same Sumerian epics Aratta called the "Land of Fragrant Cedars ", if true, this translated into Armenian epithet we get" Anush Mairi Law "that is, meaning the emphasis is shifting and get" Country Mother Anush "and the mother of Anush according to Armenian tradition is the mother of the serpent.

In turn the God of Wisdom and Certificates of Sumerians called Haya and depicted as a snake. It is from this wisdom of God is self-Snake Armenians – hay. As for November as the ancestor of the Armenians, then it should be noted that in the Babylonian version of the myth of the Deluge is the name of Utnapashtum, which is why – that stubbornly trying to present us as Utnapishtim. Utnapashtum name comes from that same 8 Armenian (ut) and pasht (rus.pochitat, respect), and can interpreted in two ways whether "Vosmipochtenny" whether "Honor Utu" .. For the same version of God, who warned of impending danger Utnapashtuma was already known to us by God Serpent Haya … Draw your own conclusions … P.:-There is a hypothesis that in the Hellenistic period to the temples, such as our Gurnee, columns, temples were erected in the form of a snake heads …


Internet Almost Resources

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Buy a car through the Internet Almost every car owner sooner or later faced with a situation when you need to sell your old horse and buy a new one. Earlier, when the era of the Internet was just beginning Most advertise selling a car in the press. It cost a little money and was acquitted. At the present time to sell a car there is no need to pay money for ad placement. On the Internet at Currently, many resources devoted to selling used cars. The most popular representation of printed advertising media.

However, the network begin to catch up, and some are already surpassing the number of visitors and provided cars. Buy a car online easier. It does not require the purchase of newspaper, magazine it.d. Rare editions come out every day, so online resources in this regard clearly have advantages. You can instantly see the car and offered to phone the seller. And the seller only needs to place an ad to sell the vehicle at a convenient time and place convenient to him. Huge choice of cars.

Compared with print publications, Internet site to sell used cars, unlimited size. The volume of material hosted on these sites, more personable than than in magazines or newspapers. And the ability to add not one but several photo car allows the user to virtually have an idea about buying a car. And this is just the beginning. Number of vehicles, submitted to online resources, clearly exceeds the number in any publication. And choose a car online is much easier and faster. You can imagine how much it would take to choose, for example, from 12 thousands of cars by price or by year. Obviously, not one day. However, this problem does not exist for the online resources. Instant Search and useful representation of the information provided on virtually any resource. Using Internet resources for buying a car, you save money, time, and most importantly – the nerves.



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I just watch and listen to a tartajeante Cisneros, talking about things that neither known nor practised as balance, veracity and Center and all a series of ideas and concepts caked in a brief and hollow discursito who wrote him, a text which obviously had not read before facing the cameras and was not able to read correctly from the teleprompter; I would have liked to see the unedited version that mentioned and discussed in some forums, although I acknowledge that I didn’t see any signal that was such editing. In the increasingly decreased spacing allowed the independent, in a Venezuela that still faced media, what is the role of a TV channel? The response, which could disappoint the ends of both sides is that it must entertain, provide information and reporting news in the most balanced and objective way that is possible in very difficult circumstances. Unfortunate actions of a bad author, felt even that mess many things just name them sorry Mr. Cisneros, the evidence of his interested falsehood is overwhelming and your support at many levels the Government is more than evident; Please, do not ask for an exalted anti-Chavez channel that no contribution nothing but scandals, fears and aggressions but certainly not accept dragged and censored channel that contributes nothing to nobody to the reds or Blues as you said Venevision has tried to locate in the Democratic Centre and suffers for that reason attacks, slander and other ballistic basement of both sides and that is why is that I speak today. You ask, with Venevision who is? Well, the answer is with all Venezuela. We are located in a center of commitment, in a centre that advances a policy of balance. Television is the screen itself and not the sides of the screen in a football game, the red team adversely to the blue team on the Court.


Learning English

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Choosing the teachers ‘cheaper’ cost, ultimately, much more expensive, because at best a very long time will learn the language, and at worst – and then have to retrained. Do not forget that teach people from scratch is easier than to retrain. In this version depends on you just the careful selection of teachers and the rest – it’s his job, provided that you follow his instructions. When choosing a teacher, it is desirable to focus not on his ‘crust’, and his real knowledge, the ability to explain and ability to develop an approach to practice with you, and inspire, which is important. Test the teacher can be the first lesson and it is desirable that this session was attended your friend who is fluent in English.

From entry level to intermediate (intermediate level of English) are better deal with a Russian man. A more desirable to hire a native speaker or go to the month in English-speaking countries (Britain, Canada, Australia, Malta, etc.) in English schools. 3. ENGLISH COURSES This method study is suitable for anyone who: Has a flexible schedule or work well acquires information after the operation; Can further engage themselves (see paragraph 1). The effectiveness of training courses depends mainly from the teacher, who will provide you with school, but not from the school itself. Should look for schools with such conditions: The group, preferably not more than 5 persons; Teaching is based on British books.

Should be avoided schools that: give a guarantee or promise, that after such a time, your English will be a certain level (in fact, no one can guarantee); Offer of more than 12 people; Take too low or too high a fee for the course. At the primary level – the teacher should be in Russian. If then you will get a native speaker – wonderful! Just to be sure that it really is a teacher, not just native speaker, who has no idea how to teach English. Whichever school you choose, it is best to choose intensive courses (classes 4-5 times a week). Effectiveness of lessons 2 times a week for an hour, without any additional training, practically zero. 4. Learning English in English-speaking environment, this method is most effective, but suitable only for those who: Know the English at least at the elementary level; Have an opportunity to devote time and money to travel, for example, in England. If you are a man, it’s simple. Teach English in a month at home, one of the above methods to the level of elementary. And then – is arranged in a school in England with the schedule of 40 hours per week and live in English family. Return from England after 2 months with good English proficiency. There are plenty of other methods of learning a foreign language, such as remote as the Internet and by mail. But in any case, all They boil down to one of the above, or the combination of these options.


Areas Rights

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What is SugarCRM? SugarCRM – a commercial product in the management of customer relationships with open source. SugarCRM is distributed free of charge and a fee basis. Taking into account this fact, SugarCRM is a good solution for Small and medium-sized businesses, not willing to make the cost of purchasing expensive software. SugarCRM is especially designed for enterprises, Trade, custom-built manufacturing, Areas of providing services. That may SugarCRM? With built-in modules, user-friendly interface and the ability to easily nastravitsya, SugarCRM has successfully established itself in the conduct Client Information (Contacts), in consideration of stakeholders and any kind of calls to your sales professionals (Leads), in the planning and execution of marketing activities (business meetings, meetings, phone calls, e-mailing) (Campaigns), to analyze the opportunities and potential orders, the documentation process of working on a complaint (Bug Tracker), project management (Projects), and as a visualization tool (Dashlets).

What are the possibilities of customization? Language Support for SugarCRM is designed Russian language. When necessary, may use multiple languages simultaneously. Configuration access rights for users are set individually in accordance with group / role policy. (Team management and Role Management) In accordance with this it is possible to construct a hierarchy of user access rights to individual modules, customers, or other information. Here you can see the technology used by SugarCRM Extensions, add-ons The flexible data model, SugarCRM is practically unlimited as to the ability to expand and supplement to suit individual customer needs.