
Holy Writs

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The false prophets in its exterior are as the sheep, with cativante smile and its appearance of mercy, take multitudes to follow its false doctrines. (Mateus 7:15) – You warn you, however, of the false prophets, who come until you dresses as sheep, but, interior, are wolves devoradores. Jesus orders in them to be alert against these false prophets, and he orders in them fruit proves seeing them its, that it means proves them for word of God, because tree good, true preacher of Jesus, teaches what it is in the word and the false preacher, who is of the Satan, teaches what goes against the word of God. Peter says in them: (II Peter 2:1) – AND ALSO he had between the people false prophet, as between you she will have also false doctors, that they will introduce perdio heresies encobertamente, and will deny you she rescued that them, bringing on itself same sudden perdio. (II Peter 2:2) – and many will follow its dissolutions, by which the way of the truth will be blasphemed. These doctors distort the Holy Writs to lead the people to the error, and many are following these practical. Dissolutions want to say, that it breaches, annul the alliance with Jesus, because of these false teachings.

Becoming the discredited truth of Christ, because of this immoral behavior of that if Christians say. As he is written, this false prophet will be deceptive to many. (Mateus 24:11) – and false ones will appear many prophets, and will be deceptive to many. He has three types of cheaters in the body of Christ: The shepherds, missionaries, apstolos, etc, that lie in intentional way to reach its egoistic intentions, that are to gain money the costs of the sheep. The singers who if involve with the lucrative industry of music gospel, taking the rhythms of the world for the church.


Mechanical Weights Installation

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The first – economic – the high cost of installation. To install the mechanical weights need to dig deep recess from 50 to 200 cm and an area equal to the square platform scales. The depth is needed to establish the linkage system that converts efforts. Thus, despite significantly lower cost of mechanical scales, the cost of their installation is comparable to the cost of electronic scales, which the installation easier. The second reason for the sharp decline in demand for mechanical scales is inability to automate the process of weighing and documentation of the results. Cycle weighing on electronic scales lasts no longer than 10 seconds, after which the results in numerical form may be submitted to the database installed on your computer, and promptly demanded a system of governance at all levels.

In the case of work with mechanical weights requires the participation of a man who must evaluate and record the result of weighing in notebook or make it into the computer database that does not preclude fraud. Today, efforts are being made, including developers and weights to correct past lack of mechanical scales. Way to automate mechanical scales, scales proposed by the manufacturer, more reliable, but it scares the consumer of its complexity. Its essence is as follows. On the axis of a dial indicator mounted disk of transparent polystyrene deposited coded mask, consisting of eleven concentric code paths. They are formed by transparent and opaque to infrared radiation areas. Code mask is a map of cyclic Gray code.


Apple Macbook Air

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Since the publication of the first reviews Apple Macbook Air, probably, many had the impression that he is perfect. Ideal, but only in terms of design for unsurpassed laptop. The downside – the average technical ability. And the most a close competitor, which could cover all the shortcomings of the MacBook is the Lenovo ThinkPad X300. Just today, we will compare both of these models.

ThinkPad on the left, MacBook right. 'The Dark Side of force against the light', you'd think both laptops thought of as direct competitors. Already, the first advantage of significantly X300 – connectors, they are more than the Macbook Air. On one of the back of the laptop Lenovo includes: a connector for power output RGB, ethernet port and a port USB 2.0. How many ports on the same side on MacBook? – Not at all. Look at the top.

MacBook charms, some he even seems weightless. Who knows, the thickness of offspring Lenovo does not exceed 19 mm and weight of this laptop is 1.33 kg. The front panel at the X300 more fortified and does not create problems with wireless connectivity, as was seen in the Air. In this photo Macbook Air got the best of x300. The difference in size is not significant for both, especially the length and width. However, the height (or thickness) of each model – a single story. More on x300 can cover uglyadet several LEDs on the MacBook can not be the last. If weight and height of the laptop was fundamental for us, the victory won in this competition would Macbook Air. Only here the x300 is also not of the 'thick'. In fact, he weighs less than the Macbook – 1,33 vs. 1,36 kg. And at the same height of only 18.54 ThinkPad'a suprotiv mm 19.3 mm in Air. Yes, in some places the thickness of Macbook comes to a record of 4 mm, but the X300 is still thinner. But wanting to believe in the truth of reason is not enough. On the left side at x300 has two additional ports USB, a MacBook – power connector. For no one, no secret that there are too little Macbook Air connections: one jack, one USB and one jack Micro-DVI. On the x300 still has input for a microphone. Little the fact that the ThinkPad x300 richer life of the battery, plugs any more, so he still has an optical drive! And the built-in. Yes, a new generation of MacBook has room to grow. Looking at both the laptop from the top shows that this model has left the keys more and they are denser than the model on the right. Like all notebooks ThinkPad, X300 model ingenious device for cursor control – TrackPoint. This small red, God forgive me, 'gum' allows without taking your hands with keyboard to control the cursor on the screen. Some function TrackPoint love, others hate, but it is. (And it's not a Macbook Air). What is not at the keyboard x300, so it's light. What a pity. But next to the display is an LED that this very illuminates the keyboard. But the technical idea of this kind is beyond the scope of our review … Thus, we assume that a formal comparison of the two rivals is over. Let the review turned out a little, but now you have opportunity to get a general idea of the two lightest and most delicate of competing models on the market of portable computers. Who won? Everyone decides for themselves. Source:


Shwedagon Pagoda

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Tunis Air t +30 C 24 t of water from the road: about 5 hours by plane (from Moscow) beach vacation in this country is ideally combined with a variety of spas – a procedure that offers them at very affordable prices. Tunisian resorts are famous for its sandy beaches and infrastructure. Vacationing here is always better from September to November and from May to June. The most adventurous can go to Tunisia in July or August, but remember that at this time is sizzling hot. Myanmar (before 1989 – Burma) t air +30 C t + Water Road: There is a world famous 'Golden Stone' – a Buddhist shrine of the country. Admire it best before the rainy season (June – October), at which time the air is warmed to +30 C and not so humid, but from March to May is exhausting heat.

Burma is rich in world-class attractions, such as Shwedagon Pagoda, where according to tradition, kept four hair of Buddha. In October! Air Fiji t 24 C t + 26C Water Road: A plane about 20 hours with a change (from Moscow). Coral Beach – the most popular resort in Fiji. The ideal time for a beach holiday here – from May to October. The second half of the year and please tourists a comfortable temperature of air and water, but November to March in Fiji during the rainy season (intermittent showers) and there is a possibility of hurricanes. Air Mauritius t t +23 C + 24C Water Road: A plane about 15chasov (from Moscow).


National Federacy

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Such population explosion needed one heavy level deinvestimentos state stops to adjust the demand to offers of services. As estenvel it did not reach the necessary platforms, nor if economy of the country wants following evoluoda, the urban situation if it aggravated. While the doBrasil growth between 1940 and 1980 was one of the drawn out greaters and more of the world (mdiade 7%), little became to brighten up or to repair problems as inaquality eexcluso in the urban space. With the fall of these levels of growth (average de1.3% up to 1990 and average one of 2,3% up to 1998), little the state could make to still paracombater the effective structure and the segregation of the urban space, with consolidated asdesigualdades the question of the ownership without solution. The vigorous Brazilian urbanization, now in century XX, stimulated for the ascension of the free work, for the condition of republic and emergent pelaindstria (still tied with the field, through a produoagroexportadora), takes for the contingent cities each time bigger detrabalhadores and its familiar ones, leaving of side concern with the qualidadedeste process and recriando the colonial delay of the concentration of the ground, now sobsua new form: the urban large state. In accordance with the demographic census of 1970, 56% of the populaobrasileira inhabited in the cities. These data prove that Brazil left to deser an agricultural country definitively. 6 2 LEGAL LANDMARK AND the URBAN REFORMATION Constitution promulgated in 1988 can be considered ummarco of the period of redemocratizao of the Brazilian society. In 182 articles e183 that they deal with important subjects as ' ' social function dapropriedade' ' the beginning of ' ' function social' ' , especially notocante to the urban property it only found a consistent definition in Constituiode 1988, that, in art. 182, 2, established: ' ' The urban property cumpresua social function when diretor&#039 takes care of to express the basic requirements of ordinance dacidade in the plan; ' approved under pressure of the sociedadecivil organized, through the proposal of popular emendation on reform urban, with more than 131 a thousand signatures, sponsored for the National Federacy dosEngenheiros and Architects and for the Institute of Architects of Brazil, that continhavinte proposals, of which the congress alone guaranteed two, showing desrespeitocom the proposal popular, had as advisory and only not deliberative, apesardo volume of signatures (BASSUL, 2007)), they had been inefficacious during 13 years, sganhando prominence in 2001 with the publication Statute of the City (Law nmero10.257, 10 of July of 2001) in official gazette.


Ludmila Tribes

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So my father wanted to unite neighbors Ludmila tribes, making them more powerful, able to repel the enemy. Ludmila moved to her husband in the city Visegrad, located next to the virgin soil laid down by the city of Prague. Started to build this city Borivoya grandmother, Princess Lyubusha. Young decided to continue the initiative grandmother. Czech people are remembered and honored the great-grandmother of Grand Duke. AND Ludmila decided to strongly resemble the Grand Duchess. Adjacent to the Czechs lived Morava.

Grand Prince Rostislav of Moravia freed his country from the yoke of authority Germans. He called out from Constantinople, Cyril and Methodius to create Church, independent from the German. The brothers created the Slavic alphabet and the first to master it Morava. They translated the Holy Scriptures, and the Slavic people have heard and embraced the Faith of the Lord. Ludmila and Borivoje took the Orthodox faith with all soul. They came in and asked for Velehrad Archbishop Methodius baptize them. He agreed with a light heart, first explaining to them the basics of the Orthodox faith. To study the letters gave her students much.

From Garazd and other students Methodius received the baptism of the Lord and the people of Czech. Twenty years have lived happily married couple. During this time, the Grand Duke with Prince Svyatopolk, Rostislav's nephew, went to battle to protect the Slavic lands of the enemies. The prince did not hide behind retainers in each battle, he always comes to fight in the forefront.



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Throughout the whole exercise extensor spine, hips and press firmly and constantly tense keep body and legs upright. Movement occurs only in the ankle joint, all other joints – immobile. The main purpose – the calf muscle, the development of which is precisely determines the amount of leg as a whole. Not bend your knees – it shifts the focus of the load from the calf muscle to the soleus. For variety, perform this exercise with a different formulation of the foot, keeping your heels toward each other or, conversely, outward. This "refreshing" exercise and affects the calf muscles from different angles. The higher you climb, the more muscle fibers are covered by muscular contraction.

Go down smoothly and does not at the lowest point, especially if you're working with heavy weight. Otherwise, run the risk of Achilles tendon tear. Application To: Everyone, from novice to master. When: The first exercise in the workout, dedicated to the calf muscles. After the boom in socks standing follow ups on your toes while sitting. How much: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Sport In bodybuilding rise on your toes while standing is used to build up a lot of calves, give them a clear convex shape of an inverted heart. Flexion of the ankle – the most common move in all sports: every time you take a step, be sure to pick up the heel and padded foot pushes off the ground. Be sure to include rise on the toes of its power program.



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We are emotional and prone to stress, usually sleep poorly and suffer from lack of appetite, and all this we still have very high metabolism. Is not it true remarkable collection of natural data for the potential dystrophic? And all these features of Physiology "award>> we still have many habits that exacerbate our leanness: breakfast, we ignore, and generally eat, somehow, the regime of the day does not comply. Our high-strung nature reacts to all events is too sharply and rapidly, and we absolutely can not relax – ever sacrifice their sleep and rest for the sake of allegedly urgent and important things. In short, we hardgeynery – those who are seriously gaining weight. In view of all these factors to solve our problem becomes extremely difficult, because it concerns such a delicate matter, as our mentality.

We need to find the strength to not just change your lifestyle, your habits – we need to change our very essence, to become other people and learn to live under the banner of bodybuilders, it would seem simple, but in reality it is difficult for us to executable: "It is better to stand than to walk; better lie than to stand; better nap than to lie; sleep better than to doze>>. What exactly is needed to accomplish our goal? First, the full emotional control and restful sleep, and secondly, competently and professionally built training process and in the third – diet. Well, with the question "Who is to blame?>> And" what to do>> we're done, it remains only to learn how to do this because the lack of response for that particular question is capable of destroying our best intentions and the best exercise.


Short Vacation On The Sunny Side Of The Alps

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Palm trees grow here, like cypress and wine. Were it not for vas-a’-vis the three thousand meter, so one might think to be in Tuscany. A short break in Merano beckons with its Mediterranean climate. The already enjoyed Empress Sisi, who enjoyed staying in the spa oasis on the sunny side of the Alps. Your home has a magnificent castle Trautmannsdorf park that is open to visitors. Recently, Merano is a new attraction-in to the star architect Matteo Thun built spa with its 13 pools and a spa area. In a short vacation here you can relax wonderfully.

Helicopter tours over magical world of glaciers, picnics in the mountains or shopping trips to Milan. All you can do in a short vacation. In the fall of course this is consistent with the tasting on the program. Eye-catcher at the Passer Promenade: Established in 1874, built Spa is an architectural jewel in the South Tyrolean Alps to peer. is the wonderful National Museum Tirol above Merano. Nestled in hills vines and fruit gardens in the heart of South Tyrol add the towns of Tirol and gently with the spa town of Merano to holiday paradise. Proud of the stunning mountains of the Park Texel group surprised the sunny location with stunning contrasts between the visitors and the southern alpine scenery. In a short holiday you can experience Meran, Tirol and at its best. Great days out to do from here, on the famous lake with stay in Riva and Garda, a trip to Venice with a boat trip to Piazza San Marco. Venice is built on 118 small islands and is crossed by 150 canals, the center of town is the Piazza San Marco


New Intelligent GameQuiz

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The game is an analog of such entertaining games like "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," "Jeopardy," "What? Where? When "that the player must quickly and correctly answer the questions, but the main difference lies in the fact that intellectual game-quiz Money4Intellect a service platform for games in the team. Rules and order of play. The game can participate for at least two players (a game for two) and the maximum – an unlimited number of players (the game for the company). Logical game Money4Intellect a question relating to different topics. The game has 10 levels of complexity of the issues. The first is the easiest level -300 rubles., The second level, 600 rubles., The third level, 900 rubles., And the tenth most difficult level-3000 rubles. At each level, 10 questions and four possible answers to this question. Questions provided by the system randomly.

To start the game, the player must register. After registration, the player makes to his account an amount equal to a given rate of commission based payment systems on the site. By selecting any of the levels of difficulty, the player can initiate play or join games on the waiting list. The waiting time before Game is 120 seconds. During the waiting time a player can opt out of the game. Time of game 5 minutes.

The one who correctly answer the most questions. If the player has an equal number of correct answers wins the one who finished the game faster than anyone. If a player does not answer all questions (do not have time to shut down, etc.), the system records the responses received. Time the player (to account for the winner) set as the maximum for this game. Winner-take-all who took stakes in the game participants, minus 5% commission system. The main advantages of entertaining games Money4Intellect: * the entire winning sum always gets player a winner! * In a puzzle game involving only the real players! The advantages of the player as an example: Suppose that in a game involving 100 players. Your bid is 300 rubles., The rate of your 99 opponents at the same 300 rubles. You were winner of the game. Your winnings amounted to 30.000 rubles. Money4Intellect charge 5% commission from this win and you win the account in the amount of 28.500 USD. 5 minutes of play. You have risked 300 rub., A profit of 28.200 rubles.! In case you lose, you lost only their rate of 300 rubles. Each person can be trained in knowledge on the site free version logic game-quiz Money4Intellect