
Juarez Being

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The conflict parked there was always the question of honor, crucial for them. for being spokesman and door-flag of this microcosm that common sense prejudiced autocondescendente only associates the traffic and violence, Heifer had to make bitter the label of ' ' sambandido' '. In ' ' Desabafo' ' , of 1996, of Juarez of the Mouth of the Weeds, Heifer cutuca ' ' the wild elite marginal' ': ' ' Its doctor alone combat the mount not combat asphalt also as to carry gun, metal ring, AR-15? , the mount does not have ship does not go up mount, doctor airport in the mount not tem' '. Exactly before this, in 1985, with ' ' Victims of the Sociedade' ' , it already had direct IDO to the point: ' ' If the bank has an assault as they cannot arrest powerful-chefo/periodicals come there soon saying that here in the mount alone deferred payment vocs thief if is in order to arrest the thief can come back for the same walks the thief is hidden there under behind the necktie and of colarinho' '. Our text, our speech, is basically denunciatory. For option ours, we continue distant of groups politicians and conchavos, because thus in we feel them freer stops to criticize to all, indistinctly. Without concessions. We also question the traditional speeches for the family, of the customs and the religion.

Who it interests these speeches? What we are making, with our writing, is the same that all thinking it makes. The thought goes being perfected, goes assuming the one form continuum. Our praxis do not allow in them to have a pessimistic attitude much less, reactionary. Our bigger virtue, of us, the utopians, is that today we know better what we also do not want and what we want. Who to want to confer if our speech comes being coherent or not throughout these years, is alone to read the units of ours pasquim, published of 2002 up to 2007, and our texts, from 2008, published in periodicals, blogs and sites.


In Canada

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Moreover, a tree affixed ethnic patterns in animals: eagles, wolves and bears. Most importantly, these products are not just decorate the room, many of them perform quite useful functions: bowls, plates and cups. You can not look away from the colorful wooden masks and small sculptures, totems. After all, even the mere touch of him energizes and power! By the way, if we're talking about Canadian totems, the "official animal for Canada for many years considered to be a beaver, and pictures, toys, figurines with beavers, too, will be quite" Canadian "and very funny gift. In particular, he must like children! Going over in memory all that lucky to see in Canada, you remember: in the closet, somewhere deep inside, hidden from the extended family of hunters for souvenirs, only for themselves, a small bottle of maple syrup. You cast aside the book with a sinking heart, open the lid and inhale it a thick warm smell of burnt sugar How? Among your favorite foods are no cake of maple syrup? Well, recipe for something you took with you. Here it is, next to: 2 cups flour, 1 egg, 1 cup sour cream 1 cup maple syrup 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 / 2 tsp salt, 1 teaspoon soda. You go to the kitchen to cook a delicious cake! After all, is mood, when I want to cook, right? And if all of the products on hand, and then cooking – a pleasure! You mix the flour, ginger, salt and soda.

Separately – the maple syrup with beaten egg, and in this mixture – add sour cream, dry ingredients and bake at medium heat for 40 minutes. Oh, how it will look on the table with maple syrup and whipped cream! Your apartment is filled with the warm scent of cake, and a glass of sparkling unusual Canadian Wine Ice Wine. In Canada, it is made from grapes harvested after the first frost. And begins to seem that it is worth looking out the window and you will see no asphalt and gray houses, and ornate path leading forward into the interior of the island Prince Edward You fondly remember evenings spent in Canada and understand that everything is now back. The evening promises to be enjoyable


Sicily Island

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Sicily is a land with a millennial history. The blending of cultures that you have subseguido one after another and harmonic superposition through the centuries have created a unique place in the world. Today every corner of this large and sunny island, strategically located in the Central Mediterranean as wanting to divide it in two, seduces its visitors with the amount and originality of these beauties. ation. Nature has not saved effort either. The landscape is varied and there are still many uncontaminated areas.

If you decide to spend your holidays in Sicily you can live unforgettable experiences anywhere. It will get you attention the exceptional merger of places with extraordinary natural beauty with an immense and unique multi-cultural heritage. Whether you prefer a trip without fixed stages or you choose a certain place, there are several hosting solutions, suitable for all needs, where you can enjoy all that the island has to offer. You can also find accommodations of all types. Since most economic prices in bed and breakfast at the medium and high in the great number Hotels in Sicily.

A fascinating part of this island is the western Sicily. Travelling through western Sicily atraversaras cities, archaeological sites, rural areas and villages on the shores of the sea, but the most authentic charm of this area is represented by the fabulous coastal zone area. The Zingaro reserve characterized by coves and rocky beaches bathed by transparent water is located in the heart of this area. Inside this reserve is the town of San Vito lo Capo famous for its wonderful beach. In Trapani you will surely seduce you unique atmosphere of its historic center, an old Arab village of fishermen. Along the coast are the Arabesque Pantelleria, characterized by irregular lava rocks, and the archipelago of the Egadi Islands bathed by crystal clear waters. Ranging from Trapani to Marsala, known for its wine, fascinate you las salinas and the piles of salt occasionally interrupted by small mills where the salt worked. There are really so many beauties to see this much Western Sicily.



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To date, Liverpool is one of the most successful English team has managed to win five European Cup titles and nearly 18 in the Champions League. They train in the playground, which is located at few miles from Liverpool. The history of the team began in 1892 when John Holding, decided to put his own team. Moreover, that the creator of the club had its own stadium, which was empty. The team debuted in 1893. Throughout its long history, famous for its glorious Liverpool goalkeeper. The first team won the title in 1900, stepping down in isolation from the rest of the teams by only 2 points. After all the victories of a sudden started playing recession activity, which lasted no more nor less than five years.

In 1922 the club again made itself felt victories, but until 1947 Liverpool not once did not go to the championship. The club is located approximately in the middle of the table gaming club. In 1947, the team managed to win the championship in the league. After that, the same success the club could only be achieved in 1950. Contender for this match the team played Manchester United. An interesting fact is that when gathered in the stands almost 100,000 fans, a huge figure for that time.

In 1960 the post of club manager Bill Shankly was appointed. The new coach began to lift the club out of stagnation. And it is he really succeeded. At the same time team is actively begin to gain new players. Some of them were recognized as the best players during the existence of the League. Liverpool moved to the First Division in 1962 after his stunning victory in the Second Division. 70 years were present for the club treasury. The club won first place (for the eighth time!) In the championship, and immediately after that won the uefa Cup. Prior to that, none of the English teams did not reach such results. In 1974, the current coach of the club, Bill Shankly said that going to leave the club. This was shocking news for both the leadership of the League, and for avid football fans. Many of them even threatened to organize a strike because of his departure from the team. But he could not convince. Shankly died in 1981 of a heart attack. He was replaced by Bob Paisley. His best recognized leader of the club. In the 90 years the club overtook loud failures and defeats, after which he managed to recover relatively quickly. To date, we see a strong team, which has a strong resistance and manifests the will to win any championship.


Brides Visa

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Tatjana!!! We are with my young man want to get married, he's German. A number of relevant documents, we are both prepared. I went to Germany on a Schengen visa, but it gave me a week. We then extended it to 2.5 months in the hope of getting married, but in the registry office, we were told that I have a document is not correct and we should do it again. I am now in Russia. Us with another registrar explained that it was better to go to Germany on a visa wedding, because This is important if we are going to get married, is it true it? And it was a piece of paper Bestatigung to the Consulate. Now I did Termin on August 5, all the documents I have from the groom and his party, too. I just frightens the process.

In Moscow, I have no one (I live in Cheboksary – 650km). I do not know for some instances to go and how to properly fill out the paper. I was told that in Moscow many times have to travel, is it true? How long it lasts? German I know that I will not say perfect, but I can communicate. And separation is killing. Who I can do everything on the 'steps' to explain what follows what, and what should I be ready? Why should I worry? Tatjana85356 The site says the consulate, how to get to the consulate in Moscow. From metro station Vernadsky bus service, see a number.

Look at the map, if you have time and can be reached on foot. You print the forms in advance and fill the house, it's easy. If anything, ask on the forum. About 2 months to wait for a visa, although in every case. Then will need more time to go to Moscow. Or, enter into a contract with DHL for delivery of passport (60 euros), they sit in the same room where you will take the docks for a visa.


A Set Of Exercises To Develop The Abdominals

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'Swirl' with povorotom.Tsel: study of the upper part of the press. Force of the abdominal muscles lift your shoulders off the floor and lift the body toward the feet, but try not to touch the thighs, forehead or stomach. Simultaneously with the rise of Turn torso slightly to the right. Next iteration to make a left turn. 'Swirl' on the bench with a slope downward. Objective: To study the upper part of the press.

For this exercise will require the inclined bench. Lie back on the bench, bend your knees and move your feet under the palm. Hands under his head, elbows apart. Force of the abdominal muscles begin to lift your upper body and pull it toward your knees. 'Swirl' on the block. Objective: To study the upper part of the press.

Choose a weight with which you do 25 reps. Kneel facing the block device, grasp the handle of the unit and start to pull it down while bending to the floor. Abdominal muscles must be in constant tension. Slowly return to starting position.



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In this paper, we focus only on certain aspects, finding them is quite reasonable and objective and able to give real help to our readers when choosing a home. So, to your family Life was happy, the researchers first advised to take care of his calm, flowing from the well-being of children. If your home will be available in separate, roughly equal in size and equipping children's rooms exit to the balcony, then the probability of quarrels between brothers and sisters be reduced by 40%. Preferably, the children were located in the southern or western parts of the house. The fact that all children in the world, especially the young and Teens are particularly engaging in drawing, embroidery, modeling of small details, but many people still love to read. This means that the room for them a priori to be lighter.

Now go down to the ground floor and enter into the most visited by the room – the kitchen. Fashionable trend to make food without doors long ago can be traced in the private housing construction, and wooden houses in this area is no exception. I must say that this is not unfounded. Gone are Gone are the days when the kitchen was the domain of housewives, hustle-bustle on her solitude. Open space between kitchen and living room gives a sense of belonging to the economic affairs of all family members, even those who are in this time sitting in a chair and living room watching TV. This allows a woman to not feel lonely when cooking, there is the possibility of visual contact and communication with her husband and children, which clearly positive effect on relationships in general. Bathroom is equally important in the formation of relationships than any other.

It's no secret that even the average number of members of the family in the mornings happen irritating lining – who wash its first, brush your teeth, have breakfast, go to work and study. Morning hassle can be minimized by the choice of a wooden house project foresight to ask the builders to install in the bathroom two basin. Since the houses have bathrooms impressive area, you will not be difficult to separate the shell at a sufficient distance from each other not to push. Some houses on the project have only one bathroom. Therefore, those who love to invite guests or working at home, it is necessary to bathroom necessarily present on the first floor. If you intend to settle in the future in their own homes parents, select the project combined with a separate room or neighborhood with a bathroom, or order the appropriate changes in the project. Remember that the elderly and sick people often need a private space where they could meet their needs without attracting much attention from the outside. All of these requirements is easy to perform, even if you like the project to something they do not match. Modern homes have a unique upgrading and redevelopment potential, so that even the addition of a family, you will not be a problem.


Foams Insulation

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Liquid and sheet foams emit a range of hazardous gases and vapors, leading to allergies, asthma, cancer. Therefore, this type of insulation may not be used indoors, and I would not recommend even outside since any masonry – brick, cement, concrete, not to mention the tree is permeable to gas molecules, in addition, we rarely organize a separate ventilation system in the house more often – ventilated. Styrofoam less dangerous than the foams, but also not recommended for internal insulation. Product of cotton insulation is a suspension of microscopic glass shards – or mineral fiber that can penetrate mucous membranes and lungs. Another danger – the fibers are fastened together formaldehyde resins, which is the source of allergies. Because after the weatherization work on the need to seal the layer of insulation and completely clean the air in the room. Eco-friendly foam insulation does not have harmful fumes and limitations of the above materials.

In addition, a significant difference is their water vapor permeability (this can not provide even cotton insulation – because we have to use vapor barrier). Another problem with heaters – aging. Leafy heaters lose their performance characteristics for 3-7 years. Quilted insulation have a nasty trend and pressed zamokat (through aging gidrobarer included). In 5-7 years there is an urgent need to replace them. Foam insulation – the longest period of operation, some foam heaters have a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty. What insulation would you recommend for insulation in the private use of a private home is unacceptable neekologichnyh uteliteley, because it is a grievous resource – the health of residents, especially children. Because – for insulation of private homes – eco-friendly foam insulation or, in extreme cases, cotton, and wool must be chosen from water-based adhesive, with mandatory sealing and fine-cleaning the air.


Klaus Kobjoll:

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‘ Main theme ‘Success factors for enterprises’ on the first day of the Congress In the subject area of the main ascent fashion – people: Maker: markets “on the first day of the rise Congress 2013 the successful hotelier Klaus Kobjoll will give insights into the work of a successful company. Already nine times he has with his hotel Schindlerhof”in Nuremberg the award to the best Conference and seminar hotel of in Germany received. The best-selling author and popular Speaker Klaus Kobjoll shows his approaches and advanced ideas that have made his company what it is today, and provides many impulses which can be implemented also in other services such as fitness and health facilities. “” Main theme of success factors for companies”will be rise on the first day of the Congress on the Congress of rise of titled: people: Maker: markets” all around the topic of success factors for companies ‘ turn. What are the key success factors in the industry? How can they influenced, opportunities and thus the Competitiveness must be secured in the long term? Successful entrepreneurs are in their presentations explain how they have built their business tips and strategies, to develop, consolidate successes and develop new markets. Experts will give information such as marketing strategies. The factor essential in the services industry staff will focus on.

“Directly to the lecture: true warmth – the fuel for the pole position” of the second day of the Congress will be keynote address and specialized forums on the second day of the Congress with a keynote address by rowing world champion Mathias Schomann Finck and opened a subsequent panel discussion with other top athletes such as such as Javelin thrower Christina Obergfoll (including silver medal at the Olympic Games in London in 2012). Following the expert forums follow movement, management, nutrition, as well as corporate health management. In the theme areas movement, management, nutrition and corporate health management receive the scientifically based practice information for the daily Practice. All information about the specialized forums see program/samstag-26-10-13 ubersicht/fold forums. Studied at the German University of prevention and health management (DHfPG) qualify students to specialists and executives for the growth market of prevention, fitness, and health.

“The Bachelor degree programmes: sports economics, fitness training, fitness economics, health management and nutrition counseling the College combine a training with a correspondence course and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide) Austria or of Switzerland, and close with the degree Bachelor of Arts” from. In addition, a master’s degree in the study of prevention and health management is offered, connecting a correspondence course with attendance phases. In addition, there are College continuing education, with which professionals in selected subject areas can acquire practical knowledge. Professionally highly qualified people”can without high school diploma/qualification to the Bachelor’s degree be admitted. Personal requirements are met, a promotion through BAfoG is possible. Now already more than 4,000 aspiring specialists and executives for the industry of the future (as of July 2013) study at the University. The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, a registration for the master’s in for summer – / winter semester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and State-approved. German College for prevention and health management Sabine Mack Hermann Neuberger sports school 3 66-123 Saarbrucken Tel. + 49 681 6855-220


LODATA Launches Distribution Of HP ElitePad Mobile Point

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Increase customer satisfaction with mobile solution mobile solutions are everywhere on the rise. Over 50 percent of retailers want Tablet solutions in their branches implement. 1 in the next 12 to 36 months) the realisation of such projects is at many companies top on the priority list. The HP ElitePad Mobile POS solution that consists of the HP ElitePad and the HP retail jacket for ElitePad, offers many opportunities to improve customer service retailers. Company mobile point-of-sale and sales functions as for example the examination of article availability access to customer requirements anywhere in the store. The new mobile solution integrates with Windows 8 just in the existing infrastructure of the merchant Pro.

Integrated scanner and card reader with integrated 1 d/2D barcode scanner scans directly the mobile ElitePad barcodes of articles. In addition, the bar code scanner can read also QR codes from smartphones. A built-in encrypted bi-directional three track magnetic stripe reader provides comprehensive POS functionality. In addition, the ElitePad Mobile POS has an NFC reader. Trading companies not just to inform customers on the sales floor with mobile sales tools, but can also close the sale locally.

Practical hand loop the HP ElitePad Mobile POS solution has an integrated and removable wrist strap to provide stability and ease of use. The wrist strap is supplied with each unit and fatigue-free work with the mobile device supports. Optional second battery, an optional second battery allows the extended operation of the mobile solution. Specifically for extended opening hours so the HP ElitePad can be used continuously, without having to be recharged during the daily business. The HP ElitePad was developed for use in harsh operating environments for example with vibrations, high and low temperatures, dust and moisture. It is therefore ideally suited for use in the store for the area as well as for use in the back office. With this new and innovative mobile solution from HP, we expand our existing portfolio. We offer a new platform for additional services in the field of mobility in their end customers our business partners thus”, explains Joachim Kern, senior account manager at LODATA.