National Federacy

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Such population explosion needed one heavy level deinvestimentos state stops to adjust the demand to offers of services. As estenvel it did not reach the necessary platforms, nor if economy of the country wants following evoluoda, the urban situation if it aggravated. While the doBrasil growth between 1940 and 1980 was one of the drawn out greaters and more of the world (mdiade 7%), little became to brighten up or to repair problems as inaquality eexcluso in the urban space. With the fall of these levels of growth (average de1.3% up to 1990 and average one of 2,3% up to 1998), little the state could make to still paracombater the effective structure and the segregation of the urban space, with consolidated asdesigualdades the question of the ownership without solution. The vigorous Brazilian urbanization, now in century XX, stimulated for the ascension of the free work, for the condition of republic and emergent pelaindstria (still tied with the field, through a produoagroexportadora), takes for the contingent cities each time bigger detrabalhadores and its familiar ones, leaving of side concern with the qualidadedeste process and recriando the colonial delay of the concentration of the ground, now sobsua new form: the urban large state. In accordance with the demographic census of 1970, 56% of the populaobrasileira inhabited in the cities. These data prove that Brazil left to deser an agricultural country definitively. 6 2 LEGAL LANDMARK AND the URBAN REFORMATION Constitution promulgated in 1988 can be considered ummarco of the period of redemocratizao of the Brazilian society. In 182 articles e183 that they deal with important subjects as ' ' social function dapropriedade' ' the beginning of ' ' function social' ' , especially notocante to the urban property it only found a consistent definition in Constituiode 1988, that, in art. 182, 2, established: ' ' The urban property cumpresua social function when diretor&#039 takes care of to express the basic requirements of ordinance dacidade in the plan; ' approved under pressure of the sociedadecivil organized, through the proposal of popular emendation on reform urban, with more than 131 a thousand signatures, sponsored for the National Federacy dosEngenheiros and Architects and for the Institute of Architects of Brazil, that continhavinte proposals, of which the congress alone guaranteed two, showing desrespeitocom the proposal popular, had as advisory and only not deliberative, apesardo volume of signatures (BASSUL, 2007)), they had been inefficacious during 13 years, sganhando prominence in 2001 with the publication Statute of the City (Law nmero10.257, 10 of July of 2001) in official gazette.