Fred Graef

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In fact, valley the penalty to practise the behavior of being only the observer, without judging. An observing one only perceives, does not evaluate. If eventually photographing judging in them, this already is a good start. It is signal of that we are conscientious, and this is the first step for the change. All good, and what this colloquy has to see with personal development and marketing multilevel? Well, the MMN and the involved people in this market have much time despertam my interest and my respect. They are motivated, positive, glad people and that they want to improve and to prosper.

I identify myself very with this energy. Only that when I thought about entering in this market, it was with that sensation type, ‘ ‘ but what my traditional customers go to find? , ‘ ‘ what they go to think? ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ but this does not have to see with aminha history pessoal’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ plus a change in mine vida’ ‘ etc. That is, a mount of bobagem in my head. From there, thinking on this equation fear/life/judgment of the others (history to be running in the mat and attending the interviews), came that thing ‘ ‘ eureka’ ‘! It was (it sees the verbal time of new) my judging side if revealing one more time! It wants to know? We need to give one is enough in the fear! Fear is an illusion, a cancer. We need to face the fear and to eliminate the limitante belief of the type ‘ ‘ the others, what they go to think? ‘ ‘. Practical result? decision to create roots to deepen and me this world of the MMN.

Therefore, from this experience, my recommendation you: it is faces its limitantes fears and its beliefs. We win our fears facing them. It will be that you have had fear of if going deep the industry of the MMN? E, to finish, is other questions: you have fear of the judgment of the others? more: you have judged the others? One remembers of that you will be measured by the ruler that to use to measure the others. He thinks about this. I hug, happiness and success for you!