The World

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Of the opposite, it can constitute an interesting possibility of education and learning. What if it is questioning is a theoretical position that of a reference, the form of guiding, position that a fragmented and circular space considers, which if extends successively. Leaving of ' ' eu' ' , of the family, is created an anthropocentric proposal? or better, self-centered? around of ' ' eu' '. The problem is not to leave of ' ' eu' ' , but yes to break up the spaces that if succeed and that they pass to be considered separately, as if everything was justified in that one and for that same place. The dynamics of the world is given by other factors. the challenge is to understand ' ' eu' ' in the world, considering its current complexity. The theoretical reference is searched in such a way in geography? which considers that the space socially is constructed by the work and the forms of life of the men? how in the Pedagogia? which considers that the learning is social and happens in the interlocution of the citizens (is they gifts physically, occupying a next space, are distant they, keeping virtual contacts, or under the hegemony of determined conduction politics, economic). How to surpass the positivismo of geography and the education, in a world that is changed and aceleradamente continues moving? What it would be possible to make to produce a new form of ' ' to teach mundo' '? If the studies of the way, considered from the beginning of the concentrical circles, if do not show appropriate to make the reading of the space? what would have to contain the possibility to perceive the movement, to perceive the cotidianidade of the life of some citizens and its expression by means of the groups of that they participate, constructing its space? which the possible alternatives? Which the theoretical referenciais that would allow in to construct them methods of analysis of the geographic space capable to allow that the pupils recognize themselves in the interior of this space? that if feels producing this space effectively? E, in this direction, which the practical ones social (in special the pertaining to school) that they would be presented as efficient? The PEDAGOGICAL E/EM GEOGRAPHY to breach with practical the traditional one of the classroom, does not advance only the will of the professor.