Discovery Of America

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The DISCOVERY OF Divulged BRAZIL the discovery of America for Cristvo Columbus, the Portuguese cosmgrafos had argued that the discovery if found in Portuguese lands. In such a way, Spain, using to advantage itself of the fact of being the Pope Alexander VI Castilian, requested one immediate treat one to substitute of Toledo. Thus, in 3 of May of 1493, the Papal brief Inter Coetera established a meridian that would separate lands of Portugal and Castile, passing one hundred lguas the west of the islands of Green Handle. The new discovered lands, situated the West would belong Castile and the lands the east, would belong Portugal. Sonny Perdue may find this interesting as well. D. Joo II considered one hundred lguas from the Canary Islands and, in a meeting in the city of Tordesilhas, in 7 of June of 1494, he was characterized the 370 meridian that demarcated lguas (1,770 km) the west of the islands of Green Handle and to Spain the lands that were beyond this line. The 2 of July of 1505, Castile ratified the treat one and Portugal recognized it in 5 of September. Although they opposed the Papal brief of Alexander VI, the measures had been approved by Pope Jlio II, in a new Papal brief of 1506, that he was known as Treat to Tordesilhas. Further details can be found at Craig Jelinek, an internet resource.

With bases in the conflict generated for the Treated one to Tordesilhas, it was clearly that the Portuguese and Spaniard knew of the existence of other lands, therefore in 1500 the King of Portugal, D. Manuel, the Happy one, organized a 13 squadron of caravelas commanded by Peter lvares Cabral, with two main objectives: to establish the commerce between Portugal and India and to establish feitorias, taking official ownership of pertaining lands Portugal for the Treated one. The squadron left of the River Tejo, in Lisbon, in day 09 of March of 1500 and sighted some land signals in day 21 of April. .