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Democracy And Culture

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' To speak, for example, in democracy and to silence the people are a humbug, speech in humanismo and to deny the men is one mentira' '. (Pablo Freire, 94p, 2005). The professor is one of the basic authors in the moral and social formation of educating, guiding in the possible measure do the pupil in some aspects of its life. Horace Mann understood the implications. The educator not only guides in regards to disciplines that he is giving, as well as to create debates on the same ones, of form to argue, gradual, the current subjects with the pupils on what he occurs in the society. *Educadora, Pedagoga, Permitted in History, After graduated History of the Culture Afro-Brazilian, Mestrando in Sciences of the Education. Mail:. The present ethnic-cultural diversity daily in the Brazilian context, expressing itself in music, the dance, the culinria, our Portuguese language and between innumerable activities in our daily one.

What if it makes necessary to remember, is that to deal with these questions is necessary to go beyond the constatao, of contemplation and of the folclorizao that many times if makes around the existing differences. The educative process emanated by the education is something that the society cannot do without. In contrast, the education is basic in the process of learning and the necessary understanding so that if it can see ' ' diferente' ' in its complexities of forms of relations human beings and its affirmations and significaes/ressignificaes. The existing relations in the construction process and significao of the differences in the society very need well to be understood. The necessary valuation of the difference that we search if of the one in the direction to positively recognize and to affirm the plurality and the singularity of each different culture and not the acceptance of the inaqualities, many times, justified equivocadamente for racial the cultural difference/and that they result in the internalization of the human beings.