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Henry Mintzberg

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The idea is to emphasize that the companies must make of the Strategical Planning its distinguishing greater in the competitive market and that the customers do not have to be seen as simple purchasers of products, but as lifting of a business, people special who, if taken care of well, will be handspikes so that the company if keeps and grows in the market, independent of the competition and the branch of business where she acts. It is basic to approach the concepts and the relevance of the Strategy and the Strategical Planning in this article, therefore it is known that no organization grows without planning, and this starts when the structural bases that esteiam the business strategically are studied and analyzed. Thus, the importance and the concepts, from the vision of authors as Henry Mintzberg, Igor Ansoff, Porter, Wright Kroll and Pamell, Drucker, beyond of Chan Kim and the French teacher Rene Mauborne, is the references of support for this moment for extending the agreement on the subject. Consideraes on Social Responsibility is presented, therefore they intencionam to bring to tona the quarrel on the use of resources of the organization to help to solve problems and accomplishment of goals social, since all company could have this commitment stops with the society, therefore if it assumes that these organizacionais goals do not have mere to be economic, but also social. One searched then to identify through examples two companies whose behaviors are inserted in this context: the American 3M and Calados Azalea is boarded for being organizations that believe that the social responsibility consists of projected activities to improve the society and not only to take care of to the economic interests and technician of the organization. Finally, some consideraes on Strategy of Differentiation, focada in the importance are made of Communication, therefore the organizations need to convince the market the one that if destine of the differential of its products and/or its activities, strengthening that an excellent attendance and a system of narrow relationship with the customers are primordial conditions to support the differentiation throughout the time.



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It is important that self-esteem of the child is not hung in the air, had not been invented, the ideal, it is necessary that it be backed by something real. He must know what he can and much much can (and do something – even better than the other, for example, paint, sculpt, sing, sing, read poetry). There is even a test for parents. "I know how I can." Mom gives a leaflet and asked to write, "that my child can and what can be." As a rule, my mother can tell her own child is not a lot positive, but "that he could not" take many, many stitches. A similar task is given the most to the child. Caution: the more kid to write about yourself good, the higher the psychological well-being! If he can not speak about currently no good – it's a disaster. Urgently begin to teach him this, otherwise it will be hard to defend against those attacks, which he had to endure at school. Digital Cameras does not necessarily agree. Do not forget to praise: "How great you get (to draw, knit, glue).

You're much more talented than this, than we are with my dad, what your cousin … "We find very little positive recognition. Thousands of adult women there, never heard from those close to a confession of love in tenderness and affection. And it stretches from my childhood! Underpaid in the early years of positive feedback, a person loses a lot in life. All good, positive. Any tiny step forward should be fixed. It is our duty to our neighbors – especially in front of their children. Feeling gratitude, we must give thanks, marveling at her baby – marvel aloud. The main strategic task of the parents – to give the child 6-8 years such a powerful psychological defense that would allow all future failure to perceive as private, do not affect its global, absolute values: family, environment, values of the younger man as personality.