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The Situations

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The cooperated ones are producing agricultural, with little escolaridade and vast practical experience, that the application makes it difficult of new technologies of production. E, as the power to decide process inside of a cooperative one passes for the consensus of the cooperated ones, is necessary the constant formation technique of the producers. Therefore, for Mrs. Ctia, strategy is the way to convince the cooperated ones the correct actions to be taken to the development of the business. It is to obtain to revert to the situations to our favor.

Why … knowledge are few. … Nor always people has access pro that it needs. Then it needs to have a thing that the personal flame of waist game. Costumo to say that in some difficult situations you need to have skill, you has that to have a power to convince for the argument, the people go to make what you need.

You decide. … Has some people as soon as, they had learned the life all to make of a skill. If I arrive and speak that this here is not in accordance with the technique, and I am therefore that we are having problem, it I do not go to accept. It goes to feel itself diminished in its knowledge practical. You have that to have a strategy. In the truth you are giving the knowledge, but this knowledge has that to be given of form that is easy pra it (cooperated) to accept. If not accepted it. It needs to be a way to convince, this valley pra everything, pra to vender the fruits, has that to have skill. (stretch of the interview) When comparing the concept defined with the theoretical concept of Porter, perceives that ' ' skill of convencer' ' used as half of if reaching an objective it is, also, a defensive or offensive action, that it aims at to create a position in the market, facing the existing competitive forces.