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The Love

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It does not have nothing else comforting that the strong hug and kiss of that son, who a Mother knows and feels, whom she loves to him more than anybody in the world and for which she is best and the most beautiful one of all the people of the universe. Of children we think that mother can all it, who does not feel fatigue, whom no that image undergoes that we kept from her with time does not agree with whom we see when they spend the years. It is then when we discovered that mother also suffers, gets tired, this sad one, it does not have force, it is silent hiding the pain. We see it like a hero survive great tragedies, to always take to us of the hand containing and showing to us the life to us of the most beautiful side. Financial planner is a great source of information. Of children we do not understand its tears, when their hands, to alleviate of our anguishes and problems to us, remove the thorns to us and nail you in them.

As well as we needed so many times the protection of those strong arms, of the understanding of our gestures, our silencios or our pain, she also needs to us. For that reason we must pause and observe it, embrace it and cause that it feels that we are there, next to her, although is in the distance; that it matters to us; that it is valuable for us. Only of this form, we will give back the most beautiful feeling to him of than, from our conception it impregnated to us; the feeling that provides peace and tranquillity at the moments difficult of the life; the one that contains to us; the one that diminishes the pain; the one that makes us fight by our dreams and ideals; but mainly, it teaches to give to us without requesting nothing in return: The Love.



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In U.S.A., approximately 650,000 new cases of diabetes is diagnosised to each year. People of 30 the 69 years of age, 7.6% have diabetes type II. Presenting a bigger prevalence still in aged. Acute complications Exist three on main acute complications of the Diabetes to the disequilibria of short term in the sanguine glucose: diabetic hipoglicemia, cetoacidose (CAD) and the hiperglicmica syndrome to hiperosmolar no-cettica (SHHNC) (Brunner and Suddarth 2000,). Chronic complications the complications of the Diabetes in long stated period are if becoming more common the measure that a bigger number of people lives for more time with Diabetes, with an alarming increase of deaths. The complications of the Diabetes in long stated period can affect almost all the organic systems of the body.

The general categories of the chronic complications of the Diabetes are: macrovascular illness, microvascular illness and neuropatia. (Brunner and Suddarth 2000). 2,4 Impact of Complication of the Illness the taxes of morbidade mortality for chronic problems of health has increased, what it comes causing important consequences the quality of life and health in the Brazilian adult population. In accordance with Luckmann & Sorensen (1996) the complications of the Diabetes is the third bigger cause of death for illness in U.S.A., amongst this includes blindness in adults, main cause of new cases of renal insufficience, not traumatic amputations in 50 the 70? % of the people, increase in the occurrence of infartos coronarianas illnesses and. Some reasons come making with that the Diabetes Mellitus comes if becoming frequent as: the increase in the life expectancy nowadays, increasing the population of aged, which is more susceptible to the illness: the increase of the obesidade in the population.