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15 Articles


The Condensation

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The condensation nuclei are formed by some leave hygroscopic that they are originated from the water of the sea, beyond some gases as hygroscopic oxides of sulphur and match that are produced by intermediary of the industrial production or the combustion of gases in centers highly urbanizados. It fits to stand out, that nor all the originated oxides of the industrial process and nor so little the common toxic dust in great centers with high intensity of vehicles go to generate condensation nuclei. The formation of hygroscopically active nuclei of condensation occurs when, according to Tubelis (1980, p.167) ‘ ‘ the relative humidity of air reaches one definitive value, that in some cases can be so low how much 70%’ ‘. Soon, (Ibid, p.168) ‘ ‘ when become assets, the nuclei start to adsorver vapor molecules d? water, increasing of size and reducing the visibility, giving origin to a mist mida’ ‘. The existence of hygroscopic particles in suspension in the atmosphere are an essential condition for the cloud formation, that beyond this element needs great amount of vapor d directly? water in suspension in the atmosphere, that later will go to cool itself from the moment that suffers adiabtica expansion. These, therefore, are the necessary elements for the formation of a cloud, that can have origin through the thermal convection for adiabtica expansion, or for intermediary of the rise of the relief, as well as, of the shock between front of air mass de with distinct thermal characteristics and humidity. The rocking of solar radiation of the Land is related the factors that influence directly in the interaction of the solar ray with the terrestrial surface, such factors is the surface distribution eliminates and continental as well as the aspects of the same ones, the period of the day, the period of the year, the latitude, at last, in the terrestrial surface meets distributed zones of thermal behavior with distinct, resultant characteristics however of positive rockings of energy as in the tropical zones, or of negative rockings of radiation as in the polar zones.


The Gypsy Tarot Through Time

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The first question that arises when the words gypsy tarot are mentioned has to do whereupon it is the tarot and how it works. According to practice those who it, the gypsy tarot is a divination form using a card pack, each with a symbolic meaning. This art of the predictions allows to see towards the future and the interior of each of us, reflecting our thoughts, our dreams, and aspirations. Who have read and listened about the map readings of tarot, they consider a guide to confront the difficulties that arise throughout their life. Contrary to which many create or say, the tarot has nothing of ghostly or supernatural. Numerous histories and theories exist about the origins of the gypsy tarot.

Those that has investigated the history of the tarot agree in assuring that the tarot was, in its principles, only a letter game. He was played in Italy, in century IV, and the older letter of tarot of the one than has knowledge belonged to the Visconti family, governors of Milan. Nevertheless, it is not known with precision the moment at which the gypsy tarot acquired its means reputation to predict the future. From Old Egypt, many civilizations used images drawn on cards to predict events through symbolic representations. Some say that the tarot letters traveled from Europe to the Middle East through the merchant caravans during the Crossed ones. Of all ways, the origin of the gypsy tarot continues being a mystery. By a considerable time, the letters of gypsy tarot were a privilege of the high class of the society.

Once invented the press, the painted mallets by hand became history and the deck arrived at the popular classes. The typical letter mallet of gypsy tarot account with 78 naipes, structured in arcane majors and minors. The arcane word suggests a secret and mysterious knowledge. The first set, the arcane majors, also is known as letters triumph and contains 21 numbered letters. The letter corresponding to the Idiot is number 0. The second group, the arcane minors, consists of 56 naipes, divided in 4 sets of 14 letters each. In our days, the gypsy tarot is used by many of its medical instructors like method of revision of the experiences passed of the consulting ones, to explain its present actions and to define the future ones.


Local Development

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One of the greatest challenges for society and the economy of this new century will be, without a doubt, foster the growth and development of the social and economic structures of local scope, address the increasingly more chaotic globalized system that strives to be consolidated. Globalization is an essentially economic process which consists in the increasing integration of the different national economies in a single global capitalist market. The modes of production and capital movements are configured globally, while Governments and social movements are losing powers and capabilities. This process, as you can see at present, generates damages and inequalities to the society as a whole because this new model, we might call real capitalism globalized, is opposed to the classical abstraction of the capitalist model that the free market would prevail, and perfect competition would impose order, would prevent abuses and ensure efficiency in the allocation of resources. Markets are abducted by the monopolies, by small and medium-sized companies, traditionally generating quality jobs to use greater investment in labor than in capital as multinationals, are forced to abandon this distorted market. Therefore, the institutional political, social or economic premises have less weight real in the decisions of its members, why by can not articulate defense mechanisms that protect them.

Other effects that we already started to notice these global capitalitas markets are migratory movements to which poverty and wars drive to leave their home areas to survive, with the constant claim of fierce consumerism announced by global media every time. Standards of living in many countries of the world are too low to meet the basic needs of a dignified life, to which all human beings (we are told constantly) have right. There is no doubt that the construction of global markets corresponds to the interests of the global companies that are undermining the sovereignty of the countries in concerning economic, social, and political decisions but what can you do? Firstly, the society as a whole should articular control mechanisms which do not allow the mass destruction of working capital, from planetary raw materials, or the influence of multinationals within the world social and political order and the primacy of private property rights and freedoms of the world’s population.



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The desire to share normally is in the majority of people mainly when we are with the joy and satisfaction of having new knowledge, ideas, and goals. Once we realize has that something has worked for us then we felt the need to communicate it and that’s good, but we must always be attentive to the way in which people go observing and processing information. To achieve big goals is a task that is above all to overcome himself and for that we have had to defeat a series of myths and limiting beliefs that we acquire through many years, usually this is not a simple task. Andrew Corentt tells us in the book I’m happy, I’m rich that when people are ready to change your interest is remarkable and unconsciously seeking the answers to his own life, this may feel. But you must be clear that preferences are different even if what you do feel that it is the right thing, do not press people, do not try to impose their ideas, to the Bible it is clear that the has ears to hear, then you are willing to help those who really want to.

Through reading the book I am happy, I am RICO of ANDREW CORENTT you will manage to have mastery of each circumstance in his life, will be able to understand the forces that drive the universe, will be able to eradicate for ever all the limiting beliefs that have kept it tied to a single point of perception and reality creation, to follow the appropriate processes for success you generate for your life enormous expectations in your subconscious mind. One of the elements of happiness is to understand the diversity of thoughts, emotions, professions, physics, etc. When we go to the Woods we see different plants and animals, all form part of the balance that is why when a species disappears it creates imbalance. There are people who insist on a single universal idea that’s impossible!, in reality the power of God’s creation is manifested in everything, you must find your own current and do wonderful things with his life and those who want to share your line of thought. Remember that when you nothing against the current is hurting, there are ideas that are changing course, but these changes take a long time, and not up to us making them applicable us change ourselves and contribute something useful to this life, what you do give it better, always look for excellence. To achieve bliss your life must be balanced, avoid judging others, if you see them is because creating are yours, if he screams, gets angry, or curses someone yourself, do only all beliefs tell us. Happiness is only in you, why define what you want in your heart, no one else can do it, when he has it clear in his mind, pursues that dream, look for the realization of his life and when he achieves it help others that are in line with your own being, you’ll see as your life becomes a unique experience, no doubt you can do it, the opportunity is in your hands now use it!


Tools Training Yourself

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Recently began gaining popularity educational audio and video courses, recorded on dvd. Without exception they read the drives of personal computers, but many can also be viewed on an ordinary dvd. Growth popularity training video primarily due to a progressive increase in the number of computer users and usability, which makes this approach to learning. Since the increase in the number of computer users unlikely to stop the growth in the coming years, teaching materials are in this category will remain at the peak of popularity all the time. Empire Medical Billing will not settle for partial explanations. The lion’s share of all Russian video courses falls on training courses, one way or another connected with computers and computer technology.

Programming, web-design, search engine optimization – this is only the most basic of occupations that can be mastered by audio and video courses. Multimedia video courses ideal suitable for study of computer knowledge. Second place, no doubt, is the study of foreign languages. Foreign languages are also very convenient to study with a virtual teacher, as self-study foreign language through books, as experience shows, is not effective. Partly this is because the learners themselves, must necessarily have contact with the teacher and constantly hear it live in the target language. Video tutorials will also be very effective if you decide to increase their knowledge in areas such as business and psychology. If a person had never dealt with, for example, trade in real estate, will be very difficult to know all the details real estate reading a book or just find yourself information bit by bit.

However, the video course, created specifically to study how to become a professional realtor, tell and show all the aspects of the classification of the premises and the necessary documents for opening his agency, to what you see with your own eyes how to work with the necessary software on the computer when working with real estate. Instructional video – a huge breakthrough in the field of education. Now if only you do not need a diploma, you can learn the necessary specialty or profession without leaving your home, and gives the advantages such as free training schedule. However, this method of teaching will bring a positive result only the most persistent and disciplined, as the video course will ensure that you have learned the material or not, Unlike teachers, whose duties include the control of the student.


The Prometheus Liver

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The Hepatitis viruses are probably as old as humanity itself, since 1947 they are called as such, in 1967 discovers and describes to the Hepatitis B virus, and in 1989 the c and these viruses every day are eaten throughout the alphabet currently described Virus from A to H, they are so aggressive and murderous as Chinese gangs more bloodthirsty 14-KaratFong chin and others, are as Hepatropicas as the mythological Eagle that devoured the liver to Prometheus bound, they are so invisible that no one knows whether they are molecules or living beings. The 21st century and the third millennium loaded even on his back these old, damned and hepatropicos viruses, only Hepatitis C has infected 200 million people in the world the young writer Aeschylus picking up a very old story in Greece wrote the novel about Prometheus, the Eagle and the liver, 500 years BC, but that sounds so familiar to us. There he relates how this burly, kindly and beloved character Prometeo-rebelde and irreverent with the gods of Olympus, is punished by Zeus for having stolen light and have been delivered to the people out of the darkness, is taken to the distant and lonely Caucasus, is tied to an icy rock and exposed helpless to make an eagle, every morning opened you a gap in the abdomen and slowly ate you the liver to Pecks, task that the wild animal fulfilled with gusto, in the midst of the harrowing screams of pain from his victimin the cold nights the noble liver regenerated the next morning was again devoured by the beast, a ritual that repeated day after day, year after year, until that one day he went to that place his brother HERCULES (Heracles) who killed the animal of a crush, burly Titan was free, healed his wounds and returned to his people, into their daily activities… .


Brazil Portuguese

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But, however they do not take off its value as educational tool. – Maturity – In 12 executions of software no serious imperfection was observed; the maturity if extends some tools that do not present any type of error or inconvenience, when being set in motion, them answers its objectives accurately. For more information see Natural Power. – Tolerance the imperfections software is passive in relation to the treatment of imperfections. – Recuperabilidade During the imperfections in the system as an energy fall or the applicatory one to be closed for accident, can be noticed that the not safe Gcompris the information during the processing of the game and recoups so little them, it to the executed being and later interrupted, the user will have that to initiate it again. 3.1.3 How much to the usability the Gcompris displays an interface sufficiently intuitiva and practical, it brings support about 60 languages including the Brazil Portuguese for interaction between user and software.

Beyond the written menus to be all in Portuguese, the narration of the games and exercises also is made in our language. Although to be told in Portuguese of Portugal, it is very easy of being understood by who is using. The adaptations in the effect, the size of the screen, music and the time of execution of the activities are offered in the configuration menu, being able to be modified at any time. – Inteligibilidade – the agreement on the functionality of the Gcompris is in the understanding on the grouping of the activities proposals, the icons and its perception, the buttons and the names attributed to the windows are representative. The interface of the Gcompris is composed of a main menu. To the left, the main sessions are all, each icon represent an activity. When mouse of locates on it, the activity, the icon and the objective of the activity appears in the viewfinder.


East Jerusalem

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Later the city came under Muslim rule, who also tried to settle, although progress in this was relative. It was not until the arrival of the Crusaders in the Holy Land. The Crusaders captured Ashkelon in the 12 century. Many times, the city passed from hand to hand. In 1153 the Crusaders built their fortress here, which is often passed from hand to hand in the war against the Saracens. In 1187 the city was taken by Saladin, in 1190 – Richard the Lionheart, but not for long.

In 1240 the fortress rebuilt by Richard Cornell. The Crusaders built a ten-mound, built around the city walls from the sea and by land. The towers on the walls got names, reminiscent of those who built them. Bloody Tower was built under sentence of death, Women-handed women, Bedouin-captured by the Bedouins, etc., a total of 54 towers. The wall had four gates: in the south – the gates of Gaza, on the north – Jaffa – in the East Jerusalem and the West – Ocean. But in the 13 century, the leader of the Mamluks – Merc Egyptian sultans of the slaves of the Turkic and Arab origin – Baybars destroyed all the building, devastated the city, and a period of neglect. About the city has gone bad rumor, supposedly in his caves are found witches. New life in the city began in 1948 when the coast was built a few settlements. Which in 1955 merged and acquired the status of the city called Ashkelon.


Machu Picchu

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foot, but it is pretty high:), to Machu Picchu kupitvhodnoy ticket. All this is quite realistic, but there is a danger vvysoky season (June, July, August) left without tickets. The fourth option: minibuses and on foot along the railway line, as did the user (voshischayus!). The fifth option. Camino Inca, Inca Trail: Inca proytipo road on foot with guide. Groups may be different, OT4-x to 40 people, but without an accredited guide you there will not be allowed.

Est3 different routes, at 2, 4 and 7 days. They all lead and end vMachu Picchu. Each day, only 500 people could start a campaign, poetomuesli you plan to travel in high season, book place to advance somewhere for a month. And if after wetting Picchu not on the bus and on foot, you can go to the Museum of Orchids, which is located at the foot of the mountain, near the bridge. In October, orchids netsveli, but if you get into regular season, the show must bytpotryasayuschee – there really is a lot of varieties.

Manu National Park Odiniz largest reserves, is almost 2 000 000ga. Refers kdepartamentu Cuzco and Madre de Dios. Park is three parts, in which odnuiz tourists do not admit – there are only scientists. In druguyuchast park you can enter only with accredited guide and tretyaotkryta for free visiting, live there, the locals. On the reserve there are over 1000 species of birds, 1200 species of butterflies, 200 species of mammals, and much more.


Computer Technology

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The following site is Well, here, of course, the eye is pleased, a good website design, color combination right, well done guys on the front page clearly displayed the inscription 'Warning competition "- you can download advertise on the site ', a little below the list of most reliable companies in Ukraine. To me, a person who has diarrhea, and urgently needs to bowl to choose, it is very interesting, with the right side of the social poll 'Which bank do you trust', ie what chip I do not understand? Here, the site of the consumer or a businessman? Then there are articles 'current supermarket' – it's interesting, 'furniture – for and against placing an order for production at a large firm' – well, too, but I'm going to the site and saw no major sections of 'Health', 'Household appliances', 'Furniture', 'Animals', etc. Where is everybody? "Scratch" for a while, I finally found a category. Categories are as follows so 'IT technology' – it comes first, you know what it is? I do not. Next comes the section on 'Auto' – well that's okay, we get down below, immediately after the 'car' goes for the ' sites'. "Guys, I need to change the toilet!" After sites are of 'Internet shopping', 'Computer Technology ', of course, I may be a complete idiot, but I seem to be that' internet shopping 'and' computer equipment 'the same' it technology 'could shove into one group and not spread, as no I will say that the whole pilgrim.